ISSN 2178-2679 on-line version



Author guidelines


The Revista Práxis Educacional is a quarterly journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGEd), of the State University of Southwest Bahia (Uesb). It publishes unpublished articles resulting from scientific research, as well as book reviews. Its main objective is to disseminate research and studies related to the field of education, developed by researchers from different educational contexts in Brazil and abroad.


 1.1 Unpublished works will be published, resulting from scientific research, related to the area of education, presented according to the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) in force: NBR 6022 – Artigo em publicação periódica impressa; NBR 6023 – Referências; NBR 6028 – Informação e documentação - Resumo - Apresentação; NBR 10520 – Citações em documentos (if published in Brazilian Portuguese; APA, MLA, Vancouver formats will be valid for submissions in other languages).

1.2 Work by professors, graduate students, researchers from Higher Education Institutions, as well as from other educational spaces (social movements, schools, non-governmental organizations, among others) will be accepted for analysis with a view to publication.

1.3 Along with the manuscript (version with and without identification), each author must submit the authorization for publication of the work, if approved by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Board, as well as the proper publication authorization and the declaration of originality. The models are following the path: About >About the Journal > Authorization for publication of works. ATTENTION: for the insertion of all files (both manuscripts, declaration and authorization) it is necessary to note that in the last step of the action Send Submission File(s) (3. Finalization), under the Added File information there is the option Send one New File. It is necessary to activate this command so that the other files are inserted and only complete the process after the mandatory insertions. If you click on the Finish option before the other entries, the system will not allow further inclusions in this step.

1.4 Each work submitted (scientific article manuscript, thematic dossier, interview and review) will be evaluated in two stages, with the first preliminary stage (desk review), carried out by the Editorial Team (as described in About > About the Journal > Process Evaluation) and the second stage, by the Scientific Committee (double-blind evaluation, double blind review), which will decide on the approval or not of the work.

1.5 The authors will be informed, via e-mail, registered on the portal, of the acceptance or not of the work for publication.

1.6 Manuscripts must be submitted directly to the journal's portal ( in a file compatible with the .doc standard. The file must be formatted in the journal template available on the portal. Two files must be submitted, in the appropriate template, one file without authorship (for blind evaluation by reviewers) and the other file with authorship, for verification of the metadata.

1.7 Only manuscripts that were duly submitted in the Journal's template will be accepted.

1.8 The tables, charts and graphs, listed sequentially, must be done in black and white, using text editor resources, in accordance with the rules in force.

1.9 Regarding the extension and size of the files of the submitted works, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

 a) scientific articles, minimum 15 (except for pages related to abstracts, which must have between 100 words, not exceeding 250 words, as well as pages related to references) and maximum 25 pages in total (containing all pages, including abstracts and references);

b) reviews, from 3 to 5 pages;

c) each of the files with a maximum of 2mb.

1.10 The anonymity of authors and reviewers will be guaranteed in the process of analyzing the submitted works.

1.11 All manuscripts, thematic dossiers and reviews sent to the Revista Práxis Educacional will be submitted to the Editorial Team, which analyzes their adequacy to the Rules and Editorial Policy of the Journal and decides to send them to reviewers or to refuse them in advance (desk review).

1.12 It is up to the Editorial Board of the Journal to decide on the opportunity and publication of the works approved by the Scientific Committee.

1.13 Texts must undergo a careful language review (in their respective languages) before being sent to the journal, and the authors are responsible for all orthographic and grammatical issues contained in the text.

1.14  Only papers that meet the formatting standards and the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) will only be sent to the Scientific Committee, in the case of those manuscripts published in PT-BR, for other languages, they must be presented in an international format (APA, MLA etc.). Work that is out of the norm will be rejected.

1.15  Revista Práxis Educacional reserves the right not to publish articles and reviews by the same author (or co-authorship) in intervals of less than one year.

1.16 The Práxis Educacional Magazine retains the copyright for all articles published in it.

1.17 The journal's publication ethics policy: i) complies with Resolution No. 196/1996, of the National Health Council, which establishes the regulatory standards for research involving human beings; ii) sends the final opinion on the manuscript to the author(s).

1.18 The review of the manuscript by the reviewers rests on the consistency of the abstract (necessarily presenting objective, theoretical framework and/or methodological procedure and results); internal consistency of the work (in relation to the objective, theoretical framework and/or methodological procedure and results); title consistency (in relation to the knowledge produced); quality of educational knowledge produced (in relation to analytical density, evidence or evidence of the statements presented and conclusive ideas); scientific relevance (with respect to the standards of a scientific research); originality of the work (in relation to advances in the area of ​​Education) and adequacy of writing to the language's cultured norm.

1.19 When examined in the first stage (desk review) of evaluation, the Editorial Team may return the manuscript to the authors so that they can make the necessary adjustments to meet the editorial requirements of the journal.

1.20 Each manuscript can preferably have a maximum of 3 (three) authors, all belonging to research groups. One of the authors must have a PhD degree, all other authors must be Masters/Masters or Doctors/Doctoral students. Papers in which one of the authors does not have the required degree will not be accepted. When justified, the article may have more authors, according to the editorial decision.

1.21 The title of Doctor is required for the author whose article did not have the participation of others. This author must also be a member of a research group.

1.22 The submission of the declaration of originality of the manuscript, by all authors, as well as the respective authorizations for publication, in the initial stage of submission of the manuscripts (with and without identification) is mandatory.

1.23 Indicate, when filling in the author metadata, the ORCID digital identifier (whose profile must be duly filled in, as empty or blank profiles are considered invalid and will not be accepted in the article submission process; as well as must be duly included in the authors' metadata on the portal. Submissions that the names of the authors are not included in the portal but appear in the article template will be disapproved in the desk review.

1.24 As an important contribution practice to the editorial promotion process of Brazilian science, it is highly recommended that authors who submit manuscripts to the Revista Práxis Educacional, also act as partner evaluators in other manuscripts inserted in the journal, which are awaiting an opinion.


 Papers resulting from studies and research in education will be accepted. The typing, organization and formatting of the text must follow the following guidelines:

2.1 The works must be typed in the text editor:

A4 size paper (21cm x 29.7cm);
Right and bottom margin with 2 cm;
Left and top margin of 3 cm;
Spacing between lines: 1.5 cm;
Font Times New Roman, font 12, for the development of the text, except for long quotes, which must contain font 10 and footnotes, which must be in font 10;
Alignment justified in text and left justified in references.
  2.2 The works must be presented as follows:

  2.2.1 Title - centered, in capital letters (in the text only; in the system it must be written with the initial in capital letter, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names), font Times New Roman, size 12, bold. The title must contain a maximum of 95 (ninety-five) characters with spaces.

2.2.2 Author's name - below the title, font Times New Roman, size 12, separated by a space (1.5), in italics, aligned to the right.

2.2.3 The academic degree of the author, institution, city of the institution, allocation body, e-mail, ORCID, research group to which it belongs must appear at the end of the text, after the References (maximum 04 lines).

2.2.3 Abstract in Portuguese - containing between 100 and a maximum of 250 words, font Times New Roman, size 11, single spaced, presented after the author's name, separated from it by a space (1.5). The term Abstract is on the same line as the summary itself.

2.2.4 Keywords in Portuguese, maximum of three, must appear right below the abstract, separated by a single space, in alphabetical order, preceded by the expression Palavras-chave (in bold), followed by a colon, separated by a semicolon and ending with a period. They must be written with the initials in lowercase, with the exception of proper nouns and scientific names. (In the system, always do it individually, inserting each word followed by the enter command, without punctuation).

2.2.5 Quotations, notes and references must follow the ABNT rules (or to which APA, MLA etc. apply) in force. Footnotes must be placed throughout the text. Citations must comply with recent ABNT standards, using the author-date system.

2.2.6 Abstract in English and Spanish (Abstract and Resumen). Title of the work and version of the abstract in English and Spanish, containing between 100 and a maximum of 250 words, font Times New Roman, size 11, single spaced, presented after the Abstract in Portuguese, separated by a space (1, 5 cm). The terms Abstract and Resumen must be in bold and followed by a colon.

2.2.7 Keywords in English (Keywords) and Spanish (Palabras clave). Version of the abstract keywords. Three in number, they must be presented right after the abstract/resumen, separated by a single space, in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. The terms Keywords and Palabras clave must be in bold and followed by a colon.

2.2.8 The references, updated (bibliographic review based on the current panorama in which the context of the proposed theme is found) must be presented at the end of the text, containing exclusively the cited works. Aligned only to the left margin of the text, single spaced and separated from each other by double space.

2.2.6 Write the full names of authors and translators (when applicable) in the references.

2.2.10 Tables, graphs, figures (photographs or drawings) must appear throughout the text, as close as possible to the paragraphs in which they are mentioned. Titles must be above and fonts below each of these elements.

2.2.11 When the text contains notes, these must have an explanatory character only. Each explanatory note must contain a maximum of 400 (four hundred) characters.

2.2.12 The title of the author, institution, city of the institution, agency, e-mail, ORCID, research group to which it belongs must appear at the end of the text, after the references, in the case of templates with author identification ( maximum 04 lines). Templates without author identification must not contain such information.

2.2.13 The review, of three to five pages, must have a title in Portuguese, English and Spanish (bold and lower case) and the reference of the book reviewed.

2.2.14 Each review can have a maximum of two (2) authors.

2.2.15 The review of the review is based on its informative, critical and critical-informative clarity; presentation of the knowledge produced for the Education area; consistency in the synthetic exposition of the knowledge of the book reviewed; adequacy of writing to the Portuguese language standard and to the Práxis Educacional Magazine Standards.


3.1 Indirect quotes:

For their professional training, it is essential that the undergraduate, throughout the course, have contacts with schools in the community to know the daily school life, their needs, their problems and their progress (LIBÂNEO, 2004).

3.2 Direct, short quotes (containing up to three lines):

According to Crusoé (2009, p. 99), “[...] in the representation of teachers, the idea of relationship is not restricted only to content, but also to the relationship between actors in social practice.”

It can be concluded that, “[...] in the representation of teachers, the idea of relationship is not restricted only to content, but also to the relationship between actors in social practice.” (CRUSOÉ, 2009, p. 99).

3.3 Direct quotes, with more than three lines - highlighted in Times New Roman font, size 11, aligned with the text on the right and with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin.

                                  [...] It appears that the education of the population results in the viability of (better) professional qualification, in addition to a greater number of people trained for work - which will generate surplus labor and, therefore, the real possibility of reducing expenses with staff payment, as mandated by the law of supply and demand. (NUNES, 2010, p. 64).


4.1 Monographs (books and academic papers)

CRUSOÉ, Nilma Margarida de Castro. Interdisciplinaridade: representações sociais de professores de Matemática. 1. ed. Natal: Edufrn, 2009.

TAVARES, Eleuza Diana Almeida. Currículo de história do ensino médio: a prática do professor. 157f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação). Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, 2015. Orientadora: Profª. Drª Maria Cristina Dantas Pina.

MOREIRA, Núbia Regina. O feminismo negro brasileiro: um estudo do movimento de mulheres negras no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. 275f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia). Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Unicamp, São Paulo, Campinas, 2007. Orientadora: Profª. Drª Maria Lygia Quartim de Moraes.

4.2 Monographs in electronic media

LEITE, Maria Iza Pinto de Amorim (Org.). Docência e pesquisa. Vitória da Conquista: Ediuesb, 2007. 286p. ISBN 978-85-88505-61-2. CD-ROM.

4.3 Parts of monograph

MARTÍNEZ, Albertina Mitjáns. Aprendizagem criativa: desafios para a prática pedagógica. In: NUNES, Claudio Pinto (Org.). Didática e formação de professores. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2012. p. 93-124.

CRUSOÉ, Nilma Margarida de Castro; AMADO, João da Silva; RIBEIRO, Márcia Maria Gurgel. A prática interdisciplinar na escola e a formação continuada de professores. In: CRUSOÉ, Nilma Margarida de Castro; RIBEIRO, Márcia Gurgel; SILVA, Claudionor Alves da (Org.). Desafios educacionais no cotidiano escolar. 1. ed. Ijuí: Unijuí, 2010, p.197-213.

4.4 Publication in journals

CAIRES, Flávia Cristina Batista; SALES, Sheila Cristina Furtado. Panorama das produções científicas em políticas públicas de juventude: uma análise do Projovem Urbano. Práxis Educacional, Vitória da Conquista: Ediuesb, v.10, n. 17, p. 197-217, 2014. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2015.

LIMA FILHO, Domingos Leite. Expansão da educação superior e da educação profissional no Brasil: tensões e perspectivas. Educação em Questão, Natal, v. 51, n. 37, p. 195-223, jan./abr. 2015.

4.5 Newspaper article/material

WEBER, Demétrio. Verba do Fundef é desviada em 350 municípios. Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, 28 jun. 2000. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2000.

LEITE, Maria Iza Pinto de Amorim. Mini-curso: ensino e aprendizagem. Jornal Eventos e Promoções, Vitória da Conquista-BA, v. 40, p. 28-29, 1º maio 1996.

4.6 Work presented at an event

SOUZA, Ester Maria de Figueiredo; COELHO, Fernanda de Castro Batista. Aula de português: palavras e contra palavras. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL DE ENSINO DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA, 2012. Uberlândia. Anais do SIELP. v. 2. n.1. Uberlândia: EDUFU, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 set. 2012.

NOGUEIRA, Eliara Cristina da Silva; NUNES, Cláudio Pinto. Financiamento da educação no Brasil: limites e possibilidades de cumprimento do piso salarial nacional. In: II ENCONTRO ESTADUAL DE POLÍTICA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO DA BAHIA, I SEMINÁRIO DE ESTUDOS PESQUISAS EM EDUCAÇÃO DE CAMAÇARI. Anais... Salvador: UFBA, 2016. p. 315-326.

SILVA, Claudionor Alves da. O ensino da leitura e da escrita: uma abordagem discursiva. In: SEMINÁRIO DE EDUCAÇÃO DE PESSOAS JOVENS E ADULTAS, 2; SEMINÁRIO DE POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS, GESTÃO E PRÁXIS EDUCACIONAIS,1, 2006, Vitória da Conquista/BA. Anais do II Epja e I Gepráxis: Políticas, gestão e práxis educacionais, Vitória da Conquista/BA: Uesb, 2006. p. 96-109.

4.7 Unknown authorship

PLENÁRIO conclui votação da PEC do Fundeb. CNTE Informa. Brasília, 7 dez. 2006, n° 366.  Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 dez. 2006.

4.8 Legislation

BRASIL. Congresso Nacional. Constituição. Emenda Constitucional n. 14/96, de 12 de setembro de 1996. Modifica os artigos 34, 208, 211 e 212 da Constituição Federal e dá nova redação ao Artigo 60 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias. MEC. Brasília, 1996. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 ago. 2004.


Copyright statement

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

a. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows the sharing of the work with recognition of the authorship of the work and initial publication in this journal.

b. Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

c. Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this can generate productive changes as well as increase impact and citation of published work (see O efeito do acesso livre).


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The names and addresses given in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.



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Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)
Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação (PPGEd)
Estrada do Bem Querer, km 4.
Módulo de Pós-graduação stricto sensu. 1º andar
Caixa Postal 95 - Vitória da Conquista-BA.
CEP: 45031-900
Fone: (77) 34248749