ISSN 1414-4077 printed version
ISSN 1982-5765 on-line version



Scope and Policy

Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior intends to contribute to the development of studies and research regarding higher education, particularly in the field of higher education evaluation.

Its policy is to stimulate the production and dissemination of academic studies developed by the academic community and that contribute to the development of theories and practices of evaluation and the general debates regarding higher education in Brazil and other Iberian American countries. The articles are published in the native language of their authors, preferably in Portuguese or Spanish. Its audience consists mainly of university faculty and students, especially of graduates in education and related fields of knowledge; Avaliação also interests professionals in charge of elaborating and implementing higher education public policies. Besides academic articles, the journal also publishes summaries and documents, whenever these are considered of special interest to its preferential readers. The articles are submitted to analysis and evaluation by members of the editorial board and by ad hoc referees.


Forms and Preparation of Manuscripts

Avaliação is a journal that is basically composed of research papers. It also publishes summaries, documents, thesis and dissertation resumés, whenever these are considered appropriate to the editorial line and of interest to its preferential readers. 


  • Formatting information:

The text must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, with spare 1,5.

The use of italic resource in the text body shall be utilized only for foreign words. To present the elements that constitute the article one shall use the current ABNT norms.

NBR 6022, 2003 – Information and documentation – Article in periodic printed scientific publication – Presentation;

NBR 6023, 2002 – Information and documentation – References – Elaboration;

NBR 6024, 2003 – Information and documentation – Progressive numeration of the sections of a written document – Presentation;

NBR 6028, 2003 – Information and documentation – Resumes – Presentation;

NBR 10520, 2002 – Information and documentation – Documents citations – Presentation;

IBGE. Tabular presentation norms. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro, 1993.

  • Direct quotation: textual transcription of part of the literary composition of the consulted author.

The short quotation (up to 3 lines) is inserted in the text, between quotation marks. Longer quotation (more than 3 lines) shall be an independent paragraph, typed in single space and 2,5cm indentation from the left margin, with the same font, size 10, without quotation marks. Text suppression inside the quotations shall be placed between brackets (ABNT – NBR 10520/2002).

The norms indicate 4cm indentation, however we have chosen to use 2,5cm due to the periodic page size. Every direct quotation shall be followed by the Author's last name in capital letters, publication year, page number, separated by commas, between parentheses.

Exemple of direct quotation with up to 3 lines

 "The high percentage of small institutions is congruent with the high percentage of institutions with a low degree of complexity." (GARCÍA-GUADILLA, 2.000, p. 24).

Exemple of direct citation with more than 3 lines

Lourenço Luzuriaga (1980, p. 22) notifies that:

    The educational ideal is not something vague and buoyant, distant from reality, but precise and concrete, as the reality itself. It constitutes, indeed, such intrinsic part of our lives and of the human society as in the actions and the social institutions, generally more decrepit and circumstantial  than the human historic ideals.

  • Indirect citation: text based on the work of the consulted author. In the indirect citations one must indicate the author's last name and the publication date.

Ex. According Basbaum (1978), the philosophy has meaning [...]

The quotation period mark shall come after the end of the statement, therefore of the parenthesis, except in cases of quotation of up to 3 lines, inserted in the text, when it does not end the paragraph. 

  • Footnotes

They shall be restricted to personal comments and observations, destined to render explanation or to set forth considerations. Displayed at the end of the page, also in size 10.

  • References:

They shall obey the ABNT, NBR 6023/2002 prescriptions. They shall be presented at the end of the text in alphabetic order. Book titles and journals shall be presented in bold and justified and left justified.



MEKSENAS, PauloAprendendo sociologia. A paixão de conhecer a vida. São Paulo: Loyola, 1991.

Book chapter:

DEMARTINI, Zeila de Brito; ANTUNES, Fátima Ferreira.  Magistério primário: profissão feminina, carreira masculina. In: CAMPOS, Maria Christina S. S.; SILVA, Vera Lúcia Gaspar da. (Orgs.). Feminilização do magistério: vestígios do passado que marcam o presente. Bragança Paulista: EDUSF, 2002. p. 69-94.

Journal article:

DIAS SOBRINHO, José. Sobre reformas e transformações da educação superior. QUAESTIO: Revista de Estudos de Educação, Sorocaba, SP, v. 7, n. 1, p. 9-21, maio, 2005.


SILVA, Paulo Celso da.  Como anjos caídos... mensageiras em espaços de flexibilidade e redes:  uma experiência geográfica. 1999. 140 p. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1999.

Digital document (on-line):

HISSA, Hélio Barbosa. Distritos industriais (ou clusters) como estratégia de desenvolvimento econômico local para o Brasil. Economianet, 2003. Available at: <>. Acessed in: 1 jun. 2005.

The authors shall send, along with the text contribution, the following information:
- Personal and academic data related to the institution, job position and academic title.
- Mailing address, e-mail and telephone number.

The author will have the right to three samples of the journal in which the article has been published.

The revisers of the original shall adjust the text to the conventions of the journal.

The shipment of the original copy implies the authorization for the publication and on-line availability without copyright payment. The original copy shall be sent to the publisher.


Manuscript Shipping

  About submission of articles

Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior accepts works in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, for all the sections. The original works must be typed using Microsoft Word, Times New Roman font type, body text size 12, space 1,5. Articles must provide English translations of titles, abstracts, and keywords, in case English is not the original language of the article.

Submissions must sent to:


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