ISSN 1519-3993 printed version
ISSN 2318-0870 on-line version



Scope and policy

The Revista Educação PUC-Campinas (ISSN 2318-0870) is intended for the publication of scientific research, either theoretical or empirical, in the area of Education, aimed at disseminating knowledge and fostering academic discussion on relevant topics in the educational national and international setting, to help understanding the educational phenomenon today.

Public Access Policy
The magazine provides Open Accessto all of its content, and is protected by the CreativeCommons License(CC-BY).

Conflict of Interest

Authors: Authors must individually and explicitly declare any potential direct and/or indirect financial, non-financial, etc. conflict of interest, as well as any conflict of interest with reviewers ad hoc.

Reviewers ad hoc: In case of identification of conflict of interest with the reviewers, the Editorial Committee will forward the manuscript to another reviewer ad hoc.

The Journal will verify the articles submitted, through the CrossCheck plagiarism detection tool, after pre-analysis by the Editorial Board.

Social Networks
The Journal, aiming at greater dissemination of its content, requests the authors, after publication on the SciELO website, to publish their articles in  the social networks such as those listed below: –

Mendeley –

ResearchGate –

Google Acadêmico –

Authors whose articles are approved and published in Revista de Educação may be asked to participate in the peer review process.


Article categories

Articles submitted for publication should be linked to at least one of the following lines:

  1. Initial and Continued Teachers’ Education: Discusses contemporary policies, foundations, practices and themes related to initial and continued teacher’s education and teachers’ professionalization.
  2. Pedagogical Practices and Educational Processes: discusses the policies, foundations and teaching practices in the framework of basic and higher education, and discusses the teaching and learning processes in the field of formal and informal education
  3. Education Basis: Discusses contributions of the accumulated knowledge in Philosophy, Pedagogy, Anthropology, History and Sociology that allow us to build new ways of thinking and practicing Education.
  4. EducationTechnologies: Discusses the policies, foundations and practices of information and communication technologies incorporated in the management, teaching and licensing processes of basic and higher education.
  5. Basic and Higher Education Curriculum: Discusses the policies, the ground and curricular practices of basic and higher education, with emphasis on contemporary education, as well as public educational policies that address the curriculum and teaching practice.
  6. Public Policies in Education: Discusses the foundations of public policies associated to education that express state action and the implications for basic and higher education, as well as the processes of formulation, planning, implementation, management and assessment of those policies.

At submission, it is necessary to indicate, in the comments field, which line the work is linked to.

Papers submitted for publication should be unpublished, in print or electronic media, and their simultaneous submission for evaluation in another journal is not allowed.

The Journal accepts articles for publication written in Portuguese, Spanish and English, in Continuous Publication (CP) Model with Thematic Section.

Thematic Section (by invitation or by call notice): This section is intended for the publication of 4 to 6 articles coordinated with each other, mainly resulting from field research, involving authors and institutions from different regions of the country, dealing with a topic of current interest. In addition, the proposal must include at least one article in English or Spanish by a foreign author.



Authorship credit must be based on substantial contributions, such as study conception and design, or data analysis and interpretation. The inclusion of names of individuals who did not provide substantial contributions is not justified. The first page of the article must also contain the name of the institution(s) and academic titles of each author.

The Journal strongly recommends that all authors and coauthors have their curricula updated in the Lattes Platform when submitting articles.

Manuscript assessment will only begin after the inclusion of this information in the title page.

The manuscripts must explicitly include in the identification page the contribution of each author.

Include the ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) registry number. If you do not have one, get one for free at: <>. Learn more here.

The authors should indicate three possible referees for the manuscript with their respective e-mails and institutions. Alternatively, the authors may indicate three referees that they would not like to assess their manuscript.


Assessment process


Original copies will be accepted for evaluation as long as they have not been previously published and are accompanied by the following: request for publication in the Journal, responsibility, transfer of copyright and compliance with the principles of research ethics, when involving humans.

At submission, the article must be linked to at least one of the lines presented in FOCUS and SCOPE.

The manuscripts submitted, when derived from studies involving human subjects, must have been approved by the Research Ethics Committee, according to Resolution No. 510, dated April 7, 2016, which provides for the rules applicable to research in Humanities and Social Science. Authors should insert the scanned copy of the institution's Ethics Research Committee approval statement.

The editorial process will only begin if the manuscripts submitted comply with the instructions. Otherwise, they will be returned for regulatory compliance, inclusion of letter or other documents, even before they are submitted for merit assessment of their work.

When reproducing previously published material in the manuscript (including text, charts, tables, figures or any other material), applicable copyright laws must be complied with; in addition the source should be cited.

It is strongly recommended that the author(s) seek professional language advice (proofreaders and/or certified translators in Portuguese and English) before submitting original copies that may contain inaccuracies and/or morphological, syntactic, idiomatic or style inadequacies.

Originals containing inaccuracies and/or inadequacies will be returned even before they are submitted for evaluation regarding the merit of the work and the convenience of its publication.

Manuscripts may also be rejected without detailed comments after initial review by the Executive Board of Revista da Educação PUC-Campinas Journal, if the articles are considered inappropriate or of insufficient scientific priority for publication in the Journal.

Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas does not publish more than two articles by the same author in the same year (volume). This procedure aims at increasing the number of subjects and collaborations from national and international authors. Likewise, there is a maximum limit of 1 (one) article written by PUC-Campinas’ professors-researchers per year (volume), to avoid endogeny.

At the end of the year, the list of the ad hoc consultants who collaborated in the evaluation of the manuscripts will be published in the PUC-Campinas Scientific Journals Portal (


Manuscripts will be forwarded without the name(s) of the author(s) to at least two ad hoc reviewers of the area. In the event of divergence of assessment and/or identification of conflict of interest, a third reviewer will be appointed. Ad hoc reviewers will recommend acceptance/refusal of the articles or may suggest their reformulation. In this case, the article revised by the author will either return to the reviewers for final evaluation or will be evaluated by the Executive Board.

With two approving opinions, the article will be sent to the Editorial Board for ad referendum and communication to the author. Minor changes to the text may be made by the Journal's Executive Board in accordance with internal operating standards and criteria.

With the double-blind review system, the names of the reviewers will remain confidential; in addition, the names of the authors of the manuscripts and of their institutions will be maintained under secrecy.

Papers that receive suggestions for changes will be returned to the authors for corrections, together with the opinions or a synthesis of the reviewers’ opinion, and should be returned within the time limit set forth by the Executive Board. If the authors do not return the revised manuscript and the response letter within the stipulated deadline, the editorial process will be terminated at any stage of submission. The title and code of the manuscript should be specified.

Reviewed version based on reviewer’s opinion: the reviewed version should be forwarded via website <>. The author(s) should submit only the last version of the paper. The article’s text should use a color font (blue color) for all changes made, along with a letter to the editor, reiterating the author’s interest in publishing his/her articles in this Journal and informing which changes were made in the manuscript. If there is disagreement about the reviewers' recommendations, the author(s) should present the arguments that justify their position.

The manuscript evaluation process ends in the second version. The final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript is always the editors’. Minor changes to the text may be made by the Journal's Executive Board in accordance with internal review criteria and standards.


PDF proofs will be sent to the authors to check the article's artwork. The proofs must be returned to the Editorial Center by the stipulated date (48 hours). Other changes to the original manuscript will not be accepted at this stage.

Only spelling corrections, change of a word, and numeric data in tables and charts are allowed. Inclusion and/or exclusion of sentences, paragraphs, images and references will not be accepted. If something to be corrected is detected, write down notes as follows:

a) In the PDF article using available resources;

b) Note in lowercase letters on the edge of the paper and send only the scanned corrected pages;

c) List in Word documents, informing page, column (if right or left), corresponding paragraph, beginning of the sentence and its respective line.

Authors must sign the terms of agreement of the final art (text and illustrations), using the forms delivered with the proof.


Manuscript preparation


All articles must be submitted electronically only through the PUC-Campinas Scientific Journals Portal website. <>. If this is the first access, the author(s) must fill in their personal data in the item “Register”. If they are already registered, just the login and password should be entered. To submit papers, the other instructions of the system itself should be followed. It is mandatory to include the names of all authors/co-authors of the article submitted.


In the body of the text, there should be no identification of the authors nor of the institution.

Manuscripts should be drafted in the new spelling and complying with the following specifications:

  • Space between lines: 1.5;
  • Arial font 11;
  • The file should be saved in a text editor similar to the 2010 version of Word;
  • Paper should be A4 size with the following format: top and bottom margin of 2.5cm, left and right margins 3cm;
  • Page numbering should appear in the lower right corner;
  • The article should be between 15-20 pages (page count starts with the cover page, numbered as page 1, and includes all illustrations and references);

In preparing the original, the following items should be observed on the cover page.

a) Title and subtitle of the article (up to 15 words) in the source language and in English;

b) Suggested abbreviated title for header, not exceeding five words;

c) Name of each author, in full, followed by institutional affiliation. Do not abbreviate first names;

d) All titles and affiliation data shall be presented in full, without any acronym;

e) Indications of the complete addresses of the universities to which all authors are associated.            

f) Indication of correspondence address with the editor for the processing of the original copy, including telephone, electronic address, city, state and country;

g) Enter the ORCID® Registration Number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). If not available, proceed with the registration through the link: Registration is free;

h) Inform, explicitly, the contribution of each of the authors in the article. Authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions, such as conception and design, analysis and interpretation of data, review and approval of the final version of the article. The inclusion of names of authors whose contribution does not fit the above criteria is not justified;

i) Inform if the article comes from a Dissertation or Thesis, indicating the title, author, university and year of publication;

j) Inform telephone and email address of all authors;

k) Footnote may be included. Acknowledgments indicating financial support (indicate in full the funding agency and the number of the announcement and process) and acknowledgments for the collaboration of colleagues and technicians should appear in paragraphs no longer than three lines.


Abstract and Keyword (in source language and in English)

The abstract should have between 1,000 and 1,500 characters (including spaces), without acronyms; and the keywords that identify the content of the article must be between three and five. The abstract must contain information about the objective (s), methodological procedures (describing instruments, locus and research participants – this last topic, in the case of empirical research) and results.

To define keywords, use controlled vocabulary from INEP and UNESCO websites.; <> and <>. It is suggested to use keywords other than those in the article title. For the writing and style of the abstract, observe the guidelines in NBR-6028 of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. (ABNT).

Text: With the exception of manuscripts presented as Review, Essay and Communication, papers should follow the formal structure of scientific work:

Introduction: Should contain a review of updated literature relevant to the subject of the article, appropriate for the presentation of the problem and highlighting its relevance. It should not be extensive except for manuscripts submitted as Review Article.

Methodological Procedures: Should contain a clear and succinct description of the method employed, including the investigation techniques and procedures adopted - also inform if the method is applicable. Report that the investigation was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Regarding the statistical analysis, the authors should demonstrate that the procedures used were not only appropriate to test the study hypotheses, but also correctly interpreted. Levels of statistical significance (e.g. p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001) should be mentioned.

Results: whenever possible, results should be presented in tables or figures, designed to be self-explanatory and with statistical analysis. Avoid repeating data in the text.

Discussion: should adequately and objectively explore the results, discussed in light of other observations already recorded in the literature.

Conclusion: present the relevant conclusions, considering the objectives of the work, and indicate ways of continuity of the study. Bibliographic citations will not be accepted in this section.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments may be given, in paragraphs no longer than three lines, to institutions or individuals who have actually contributed to the work.

Illustrations (Tables, Figures and Charts)
Illustrations are any types of tables, figures, charts, drawings, schematics, flowcharts, photographs, maps, organization charts, diagrams, plans, portraits, etc., which serve to illustrate research data. Information about the place and year of study is essential for empirical articles. Figures are not allowed to represent the same table data or data already described in the text.

A maximum of 5 (five) illustrations per article are accepted, including all typologies mentioned above.

Illustrations must be inserted after the References; they must also be submitted separately in their original program via the SEER platform at the time of submission of the manuscript.

Illustrations must be editable, and the following editing programs are accepted: Excel, GraphPrism, SPSS 22, Corel Draw Suite X7, Adobe Illustrator, and Word. If you choose to use the program, you should use the standard font Arial, font size 7, adopted by the journal in the issue.

Images must have a resolution of 300 dpi or greater.

Charts presented with gridlines are not accepted. In addition, elements (bars, circles) cannot have volume (3-D).

The author is responsible for the quality of the illustrations, which should allow reduction without loss of definition, for the sizes of 8cm or 16cm, respectively, since the use of landscape format is not allowed.

Each illustration should be given a short and concise title, should be numbered consecutively and independently, with Arabic numerals, according to the order of data mentioned. Charts and tables will have open side borders.

For graphics, the title of all axes should also be entered.

The words Figure, Table and Attachment appearing in the text should be written with the first letter capitalized and accompanied by the number they refer to. Suggested places for inserting figures and tables should be indicated in the text.

Include, where necessary, explanatory notes. If there is any specific acronym or highlighting (such as the use of bold letters, asterisk, among others), this should have its meaning informed in the footnote of the illustration.

In case of use of illustrations published in other bibliographic sources, it is mandatory to attach a document attesting the permission for its use, besides quoting the appropriate source.

The use of color images is recommended and has no publishing costs for the author.

Citation in text: Based on ABNT (NBR 10520/2002)

Direct Citations: Must be subordinated to the form author, year and page. When outside parentheses, the author's last name should contain only the initial capital letter; In parentheses; the author's last name should appear in upper case. With up to three lines, quotes must be written within quotation marks and without italics. With more than three lines, the quotes should follow the following pattern: 4cm margin indentation, font 10, single space, without quotes and without italics.


The point of reference of a pedagogical proposal must be the transformation of society. “This is the basic meaning of the historical-critical pedagogical expression. Its assumptions, therefore, are those of the dialectical conception of history.” (Saviani, 2008, p.93).

Indirect Citations: The standard adopted is author and year.
When the author is quoted in the sentence, enter only the author’s name and year. If the author's last name is outside the sentence and in parentheses, it should also be capitalized.


For Carvalho (2000), historically, special education has been considered as the education of people with disabilities, being it mental, auditory, visual, motor, physical, multiple or due to evasive developmental disorders.
Historically, special education has been considered as the education of people with disabilities, whether mental, adductive, visual, motor, physical, multiple or due to evasive developmental disorders (Carvalho, 2000).
Quotations from several documents of the same author published in the same year are distinguished by the addition of lowercase letters, in alphabetical order, after the date and without spacing.


Frigotto (2000a)
Frigotto (2000b)

The authors cited should be listed in the literature at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to standards.

Literature: Based on NBR-6023/2018 of ABNT.

References should be sorted alphabetically by first author's last name. In references of up to three authors, all will be cited, separated by semicolons.

In references with more than three authors, cite only the first author, followed by the expression et al.

If there are referenced works by the same author, the entry will be repeated, that is, the underlining feature will not be used.

The accuracy of the references in the listing and the correct citation of their data in the text are the responsibility of the author (s) of the work.

The formatting of the reference list, at the end, should make the review and editing task easier; To do so, the entries must be presented in alphabetical order, in single space and with space between references, font size 11, justified paragraph, no indentation and no margin shift.

The accuracy and adequacy of references to works that have been consulted and mentioned in the text of the article are the responsibility of the author, as well as the content of the works is their sole responsibility.

REFERENCES - Most common cases

1 author
Charlot, B. Da relação com o saber às práticas educativas. São Paulo: Cortez, 2014. 

With 3 authors
Rosa, C.M.; Santos, F.F.T.; Mendes, H.C. Desempenho acadêmico no primeiro ano da graduação: o caso do curso de Estatística da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas, v.24, n.3, p.411-424, 2019.

More than 3 authors
Perini, C.A.S. et al. Avaliação da Educação Superior: análise do uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação nas universidades federais mineiras. Revista Educação PUC-Campinas, v.24, n.3, p.425-443, 2019.

Institution authorship
Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira. Sinopse estatística da Educação Básica 2017. Brasília: INEP, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2018.

Unknown Authorship
Plano de monitoramento da qualidade de água da capital é adiado. Hoje em dia, 19 de gosto de 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 fev. 2019.

Printed Material
Bourdieu, P.; Passeron, J.C. A reprodução: elementos para uma teoria do sistema de ensino. 7. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014.

Book Chapter
Dayrell, J.; Carrano, P. Juventude e Ensino Médio: quem é este aluno que chega à escola. In: Dayrell, J.; Carrano, P.; Maia, C.L. (org.). Juventude e Ensino Médio. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2014. p.101-133.

Azevedo, M.A.; Silva, C.D.; Medeiros, D.L.M. Educação Profissional e Currículo Integrado para o Ensino Médio: elementos necessários ao protagonismo juvenil. Holos, v.4, n.31, p.77-82, 2015.

Thesis and Dissertations
Diniz, I.K.S. A dança no Ensino Médio: material didático apoiado pelas TIC. 2017. 360f. Tese (Doutorado em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias) – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, 2017.

Presentations at Events
Miranda, L.F.A. Controle do corpo e das emoções na proposta educacional de Ribeiro Sanches. In: Simpósio Internacional Processos Civilizadores, 17., 2018, Londrina. Anais [...]. Londrina: UEL, 2018. v.1, p.237-247.

Legal Documents
Brasil. Ministério da Educação. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: temas transversais. Brasília: MEC, 1998.
Brasil. Lei no 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Estabelecer as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional. Diário Oficial da União, 23 dez. 1996. Seção 1, p.207.

Electronic Material
Kuenzer, A.Z. Trabalho e escola: a flexibilização do Ensino Médio no contexto do regime de acumulação flexível. Educação e Sociedade, v.38, n.139, p.331-354, 2017. Disponível em: abstract&tlng=pt. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2019.

Presentations at Events
Martins, M.J.D. Contributos da Psicologia do desenvolvimento moral para a educação para a cidadania. In: Seminário Internacional Contributos da Psicologia em Contextos Educativos, 1., 2010, Braga. Anais eletrônicos [...]. Braga: Universidade do Minho, 2010. p.230-237. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 nov. 2017.

Legal Documents
Brasil. Lei n°13.415, de 16 de fevereiro de 2017. Altera as Leis n° 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, e 11.494, de 20 de junho 2007, que regulamenta o Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação, a Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho [...]. Diário Oficial da União, 17 fev. 2017. Disponível em:  Acesso em: 20 de jun. 2018.

Google Street view
Google Street View. Praça Rui Barbosa, Belo Horizonte. 2017. Disponível em:,-43.9417094,15z. Acesso em: 5 set. 2017.

Youtube video
Feitosa, C. Filosofia em movimento. [S.l.:s.n.], 2015. 1 vídeo (19m16s). Publicado no canal de Luiz Fernando Sarmento. Disponível em: https://www. Acesso em: 4 maio 2017.

Sound Document
Cidade Maravilhosa. Compositor: A. Filho. In: Cidade maravilhosa. Intérprete: Aurora Miranda e André Filho. Rio de Janeiro: Odeon Brasil, 1935. 1 disco sonoro, lado A, faixa 1.
Footnotes - maximum 5: For explanatory purposes; they should be avoided and used only when strictly necessary for the comprehension of the text. Consecutive numbering must be used within the text. In addition, font 10, single space, justified text should be used and always on the page the footnotes appeared in the text.
Acknowledgments (optional) should be included in the article after final approval for publication and should be cited in a footnote inserted next to the title.
The journal does not return the original copies submitted and informs that the content of the published works is the sole responsibility of their authors.



  • Declaration of responsibility and transfer of copyright signed by each author, complying with the order of authorship indicated in the article.
  • Copy of the Research Ethics Committee opinion for empirical articles.
  • Verify that the text, including abstracts, tables and references, is typed with Arial font, size 11 and 1.5 line spacing, and with top and bottom margins (minimum 2.5cm), left and right (minimum 3cm).
  • Verify that the legend for the figures and tables is complete.
  • Include publishers’ permission to reproduce published figures or tables.
  • Prepare cover page with the requested information:
  1. Cover page with full identification of the authors
  2. Include the name of funding agencies and case number
  3. Indicate if the article is based on thesis / dissertation, including the title, the name of the institution and the year of defense.
  4. Include manuscript title, in Portuguese and English.
  5. Include up to 5 words short title for subtitle on all pages.
  6. Enter Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID®) Registration Number.
  • Verify that all illustrations (cited in the text), with their relevant titles, captions, footnotes, etc., and numbered consecutively have been included.
  • Make sure the article is in a single file in Word format.
  • In the Journal’s page in the PUC-Campinas Scientific Journals Portal, at submission, the separate illustrations (and also those inserted in the text) and all documents signed by the authors should be attached to the article.


The following documents should accompany the article submitted to the Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas: (1) Statement of responsibility; (2) Copyright Statement; (3) Copy of Approval of the Research Ethics Committee Opinion (Brazil only). Where applicable, also include a document certifying permission to use illustrations (tables, photos, charts, etc.). 
All documents must include:

  • Title of the manuscript;
  • Full name of the authors (in the same order as they appear in the manuscript);
  • Author responsible for negotiations.
  • Signature of all authors.

   Please find below the documents’ templates:


1) Responsibility Statement

"I hereby certify that I participated in the conception of the work to make public my responsibility for its content and that I have not omitted any links or funding agreements between authors and companies that may be interested in the publication of this article."
"I hereby certify that the manuscript is original and that the work, totally or partially, or any other work with substantially similar content written by me, has not been and will not be forwarded to another Journal, while its publication is being considered by the Revista da Educação PUC-Campinas, whether in print or in electronic format."

Signature of the author(s):                                                                  Date __ / __ / __

2)  Copyright Statement
I hereby declare that, in case of acceptance of the article, the Revista da Educação PUC-Campinas will have the copyright associated thereto  and that we authors may, immediately after publication in the PUC-Campinas Portal of Scientific Journals (, reproduce, distribute, transmit or reuse such article, with compulsory citation of the source.
 Signature of the author(s):                                                                 Date __ / __ / __

 All persons listed as authors should sign the documesnts.

Photos (images) of subscriptions will not be accepted. Only scanned or electronic signatures are allowed to prevent any kind of fraud. It is preferable that the documentation be sent scanned and in PDF format.

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Creative Commons License All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License

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Prédio da Antiga Reitoria – Sala 8
Rua Prof. Dr. Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, 1516, Parque Rural Fazenda Santa Cândida
13087-571, Campinas – São Paulo – Brasil
Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-7401