ISSN 0102-4698 printed version
ISSN 1982-6621 on-line version



Scope and policy

“Educação em Revista” is an open-access electronic journal. It aims to publicize unpublished, original and relevant scientific production developed in the field of ​​Education. The manuscripts can be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

The journal is organized in five sections:

  • Articles: manuscripts that present results of empirical or theoretical research, or a systematic and integrative critical review of the academic production in the field of Education.
  • Reviews: critical review of books in the field of Education that have been published in the last 2 years.
  • Open Word: opinion articles on current topics in the field of Education.
  • Interviews: unpublished interviews that present relevant contributions to the field of Education.
  • Dossier: set of articles that deal with a specific theme, based on a proposal received from the academic community or by a call from the Editorial Board.

“Educação em Revista” emphasizes the originality of the submitted manuscripts, their importance to the researchers in the field of ​​Education, the theoretical-methodological rigor, the quality and the relevance of the evidences that support the argument developed by the authors.

The manuscripts submitted in “Educação em Revista” are previously evaluated by the Editorial Board. Those who fit within the journal scope are checked by an anti-plagiarism system before being sent to double-blind peer review. All referees have a PhD degree and belong to a national or international scientific institution. The identification of the authors and the referees will remain confidential throughout the process. The journal publishes annually the names of ad hoc referees.

The main reasons for rejection of manuscripts are: they are not original; do not address a central problem in the educational area; they are merely descriptive, without developing a rigorous theoretical and methodological analysis of the question addressed; reports of experience; do not present relevant contributions to the analysis of the subject matter; do not have empirical evidence or enough arguments to substantiate their analysis and conclusions.

The Editorial Board may publish articles produced by invitation, with the intention of contributing to some more pressing debate in the area. Such articles will only be evaluated by the Editorial Board.


Editorial guidelines for submission – General

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.

  1. The manuscript should be addressed to one of the sections: Article, Review, Open Word, Interview or Special Issue and must be submitted exclusively in the template, available in the online system SciELO.
  2. It is required, for submission, that at least one of the authors to have a PhD degree.
  3. The manuscript must be unpublished and relevant to the area, and its simultaneous submission to another national or international publication is not allowed.
  4. The authors must wait for 2 years after the publication of an article in this journal, before restarting a new submission process.
  5. The manuscript should follow the newest version of standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT) or of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  6. In all cases, the title must have a maximum of 20 words in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  7. Only for Articles and Open Word: submit an abstract containing 150 to 250 words in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and three to five keywords, that must be in all three languages.
  8. The manuscript extension must be:
    • Article: between 6,000 and 12,000 words.
    • Review: between 1,500 and 3,000 words;
    • Open Word: between 3,000 and 5,000 words;
    • Interview: between 3,000 and 5,000 words.
  9. All authors of the manuscript should be named and bound to the article exclusively in the field indicated in the submission system. It is essential to inform ORCID as well as the completion of all required fields on the submission system. (
  10. The manuscript may not contain author identification in any part of the text, either in footnotes, bibliographic references or document properties.
  11. Papers previously published in conference proceedings may be accepted if the manuscript is modified to provide a significant proportion of unprecedented elements that justify a new publication. In this case, the authors must inform the link of that publication to the Editors.
  12. The publication of an article that brings research results involving human beings, developed in Brazil, must contain the authorization of the Committee of Ethics in Research (Coep). Articles of foreign authors must follow the ethical norms of their countries.
  13. The Editorial Board accepts suggestions of referees.
  14. Concepts and opinions expressed in the manuscript, such as the origin and accuracy of citations, are responsibility of the authors.
  15. Approved manuscripts must be revised for grammatical and bibliographic references adequacy. The Editorial Board will suggest professional revisers and the authors will be responsible for all expenses. Excepcional cases will be evaluated by the Editorial Board.
  16. The final version must be sent in the appropriate template, with all authorship information, institution bond and financing.


Editorial rules for submission of special issues

  1. Proposals for the special issue may be presented at the initiative of the Editorial Board, which will publish a specific call, or may be presented by the academic community, according to the norms specified below.
  2. The special issue proposals should be sent by e-mail ( to the Editorial Board, which will analyze them according to the scope and policy of the journal and, within two months, will make a decision.
  3. The special issue proposals must contain the following information:

    a) Title.
    b) Name and short curriculum of the special issue proposer(s).
    c) Summary and brief justification on the theme presented.
    d) Structure of the special issue, containing:

    * List of titles and summaries of articles that will compose the special issue. The summaries should contain: presentation of the subject, research procedures, main results and main references.
    * Name and summary curriculum of the authors of the articles that will compose the special issue.

  4. Proposals whose themes have already been published in other special issues of the journal in the last five years, unless justified by theoretical argument or otherwise, will not be accepted by the Editorial Board.
  5. The proposal must contain between 6 and 8 articles from researchers, linked to different national and international institutions. At least 2 of these articles must necessarily authored by non-Brazilian researchers.
  6. Proposals with two authors from the same institution will not be accepted.
  7. Criteria for the evaluation of proposals will be the adequacy to the editorial policy of “Educação em Revista”, especially in relation to its contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the educational field; clarity, coherence and organicity of the articles in relation to the proposal.
  8. If the proposal is approved, each author must submit the article using the specific template, through the publication’s submission system, indicating the session – Special Issue – ( / login), according to the deadlines set by the Editorial Board.
  9. The proponents of the special issue may submit manuscripts only for the Articles section.
  10. The manuscripts that compose the special issue must comply with the same editorial norms for submission than the ones sent through continuous demand.
  11. After submission, the manuscripts will be evaluated by the Editorial Board according to the same rules and procedures adopted by the publication for articles of continuous demand.
  12. The Editorial Board may request changes and/or exclusions of articles from the special issue.
  13. The proponents should accompany the editorial production of the special issue during all stages, intermediating editors and authors to solve issues related to the review suggestions, revision of language and bibliographic normalization, its edition and other demands that may arise related to the production of the special issue.
  14. Proponents should maintain confidentiality throughout the peer review process, in accordance with blind evaluation rules of the publication, as well as ensuring that deadlines are met during the evaluation and editing process.
  15. The proponents will be in charge of preparing a text of presentation of the special issue that will compose the editorial of the journal issue.
  16. The organizers are expected to produce a short social networking text for the special issue.
  17. The proponents and authors will not be remunerated by the journal.


Copyright statement

All contents of the publication, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons license of type BY attribution.


Privacy policy

The names and addresses informed in this publication will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.


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Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Avenida Antonio Carlos, 6627.
31270-901 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3409-5371