ISSN 2448-3583 online version



Presentation of the studies

WARNING!!! After your registration, click on your login located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, select PROFILE and fill in the URL fields (your Lattes address); Mini-curriculum (from 3 to 5 lines) and, mainly, create or associate your ORCID.

The responsibility for the content of the manuscript lies with the author(s), i.e., Educação & Formação isn’t responsible for data, opinions and content.

The time for evaluating submissions will be a maximum of up to 6 (six) months. This interval will vary depending on the availability and agility of the referees.

By submitting the article to the journal, the author agrees not to send it to other publications for a six-month period, from the date of submission.

Proposals must be submitted online, at the address:

Before submitting the article, check if all authors are registered at the journal platform with their respective metadata inserted. It is important to clarify that it is obligatory to fill the following fields: full name, e-mail, country, LATTES URL (for Brazilian authors), ORCID, institutional affiliation and mini-resume.

Click on the link to see guidelines to fill the form or download the tutorial.

Click on the Format Template to select the desired format, download the file and edit it.

The articles must be submitted as a Word for Windows file, version 6.0 or higher, with an extension (.doc), in 12-point Arial font, A4 format paper, with 1.5 spacing between lines, and 2.5 margins. Articles should have at minimum 15 pages and at maximum 18 pages.

We prioritize the publication of articles by readers of the journal, thus we suggest considering texts previously published on Educação & Formação to dialogue with the discussion of your research results.

The text should not contain any identification of authors and co-authors. These data, as well as institutional affiliation, training and e-mail constitute the metadata, which must be filled completely and correctly when the author is registered to continue the process of article submission.

Manuscripts should have a maximum of three authors, equally responsible for the article, except for justified exceptions, with at least one author with a doctorate degree. It is strictly necessary to inform each author’s contributions at submission, in the option “comments to the editor”. We adopt the specification system CRediT, which considers 14 different authorship roles or contributions: Project Administration, Formal Analysis, Conceptualization, Data Curation, Writing – Original Draft, Writing – Review and Editing, Investigation, Methodology, Funding Acquisition, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation and Visualization. The SciELO Guide to CRediT Specification details the application of each contribution.

We don’t publish purely theoretical articles or experience reports, review articles must be either: systematic review of literature, state of the issue or state of the art.

OBS: Educação & Formação does not publish more than one article by the same author(s) in a year, i.e., authors should only submit articles after one year of their last submission. For authors linked to UECE, that interval is longer, that is, they can only submit articles after three years of the last submission.

The articles must contain introduction, well-defined methodologyresultsdiscussion and final considerations.

The title must appear in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in lower case (except for the first letter, which should be capitalized), centralized, and in bold.

Abstracts should have at minimum 100 and at maximum 150 words and should appear in three languages – Portuguese, English and Spanish – followed by keywords (at least three and at most five). Use 11-point Arial font, single-spaced.

OBS: Keywords should appear at the Brazilian Education Thesaurus:

References must follow ABNT guidelines and be inserted both in the journal system, during article submission, and in the Word file (or other text editor). We recommend the use of up-to-date theoretical references, at least 50% of references should be from the last 5 (five) years.

Notes must be used only when strictly necessary for some clarification, in the end of the text. Their text must be succinct, in 10pt. font, left-aligned, single spaced. They must be numbered with Arabic numbers, with a continuous and consecutive numbering throughout the article.

In the case of research involving human beings, forward, in a supplementary document, the Free and Informed Consent Forms (FICF) related to the research subjects or the approval of the Ethics Committee. According to the good practices of open science, we inform that it is necessary to mention any existing conflicts of interest, as well as include referencing and availability of data used and generated by the research, the code for data processing software and other material subjacent to the text for evaluation, reuse and reproducibility effects.


Proposals of Dossier/Thematic issue

Educação & Formação journal is open to proposals of dossiers, consisting of between 5 (five) and 8 (eight) articles that respect the aforementioned guidelines and comply with the following orientations:

- All articles must be strictly related to the proposed title/theme;
- The dossier should have representation of authors from different regions, considering a maximum of 2 (two) texts from the same institution;
- The proposal should include at least 2 (two) international articles.



Tables, charts and graphics should be inserted within the text with titles and captions according to the ABNT. Figures should be avoided.



Citations in the text should use the author-date system and follow ABNT guidelines for that system.

For direct or literal citations, the author’s name outside brackets has only the initial letter capitalized, and inside brackets it is entirely capitalized (AUTHOR, date, page). For citations of up to three lines, use quotation marks, without italics. Citations longer than three lines should have a 4 cm indentation, be in smaller font, single-spaced, without quotation marks and without italics. In indirect citations, if the author’s name is inserted in the text, use only the initial letter capitalized and the date in brackets. If the author’s name is in brackets, all letters should be capitalized next to the date, and it is not necessary to indicate the page.


Copyright notice

This work is licensed under Creative Commons License - Attribution 4.0 International.

Authors own the copyright to their texts:

Educação & Formação journal grants copyright rights to the author, however, we recommend a two-year interval before republication.

Names and addresses informed to the journal will be used exclusively for services offered by this publication, and will not be used for other ends or disclosed to any third parties.


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Names and addresses informed to the journal will be used exclusively for services offered by this publication, and will not be used for other ends or disclosed to any third parties.


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