ISSN 0102-2555 printed version
ISSN 1806-9274 on-line version



Scape and Editorial Policy

Nature of contributions

The Revista da Faculdade de Educação publishes original articles and research reports in education and related areas, as well as book reviews, special documents, and translations made by teachers and researchers from the University, and also from other institutions.

Peer review process

Articles are sent without author identification to the evaluation of three members of the Editorial board, chosen by the Publication comission among the specialists in the article subject; at least two referees should not belong to FEUSP. The publication of the article depends on the recommendations of two referees. The names of the referees are rigorously kept anonymous.

Reviews and translations are evaluated by the Publication comission.

Articles may be returned to authors for some adjustments following the suggestions of the Editorial board and the Publication comission.

Works not accepted for publication are author’s exclusive responsibility.


Preparation of Originals

1. The presentation of papers should observe the following standards:

  • works should be prepared using Word for Windows, and sent in floppy disk and two printed copies.
  • works should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced; or 20 pages in 1,5 space; paper format 15 x 24 cm, font size 12.
  • works should present abstracts in Portuguese and English with no more than ten lines, including the paper’s objective, methods and conclusions; works should also contain keywords both in Portuguese and English (maximum two lines).

2. Citations in the text should appear within quotation marks, and followed by the author’s last name, year of publication and page numbers of the cited work within parentheses. If the author’s name already appear in the sentence, only the year and the pages should be mentioned within parentheses. If there is no quotation, but only a reference to an author, the last name should be indicated and, within parentheses, the year of publication. Examples:

... Esses são "anos de euforia do planejamento educacional" (Coll, 1987, p.169), quando se destaca o papel...

Cunha analisa "o pensamento de John Dewey como sendo fator de equilíbrio entre essas tendências potencialmente opostas" (1993, p.189).

3. Footnotes should be avoided, or kept to a minimum strictly necessary for the understanding of the text. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively.

4. Bibliographical references should follow the NBR-6023 standard of the ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), and typed at the end of the text, under the title "Bibliographical references". They should contain all necessary data to enable the complete identification of the original publication. Examples:

Book chapters

DARTON, R. O que é a história dos livros? In: _____. O beijo de Lamourette: mídia, cultura e revolução. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 1990. p.109-131.

Journal articles

CUNHA, Marcus Vinícius da. A antinomia do pensamento pedagógico: o delicado equilíbrio entre indivíduo e sociedade. Revista da Faculdade de Educação, São Paulo, v.19, n.2, p.189-204, jul./dez. 1993.


BITTENCOURT, Circe M.F. Livro didático e conhecimento histórico. São Paulo, 1993. 369p. Tese (Doutorado) – Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP.

5. Reviews should be typed using font size 12, and have no more than five pages double-spaced, or three pages in 1,5 space.

6. The author’s name, the most recent academic title, current position, as well as the institution, address, telephone, and e-mail should be presented on a separate sheet.



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