Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)]]> vol. 09 num. 03 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[A avaliação institucional e a redefinição das estruturas e modelos de gestão das instituições de ensino superior do país]]> O presente trabalho consiste numa discussão, com ênfase em aspectos teóricos, a respeito da importância da redefinição das estruturas de gestão das universidades e demais instituições de ensino superior (IES) no País, apoiando-se em estudos sobre o tema da avaliação institucional. Apresenta informações gerais a respeito da implementação da avaliação institucional em nossas IES, identificando o que considera seus principais obstáculos e possibilidades para propor mudanças necessárias, em vista do contexto atual do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico contemporâneo, bem como dos principais desafios da sociedade brasileira do momento. Finalmente, desenvolve o argumento de que, seja a avaliação, seja o processo de mudança nas IES, requerem bases institucionais adequadas, e apresenta proposta nesse sentido.<hr/>The present work consists of a discussion, with emphasis on theoretical aspects, regarding the importance of the redefinition of the structures of administration of the universities and other higher education institutions (IES) in the Country, based on studies of the institutional evaluation. It presents general information regarding the implementation of the institutional evaluation in our IES, identifying what are considered their main obstacles and possibilities to propose necessary changes, in view of the current context of the contemporary scientific-technological development, as well as of the main challenges of present-day Brazilian society. Finally, the paper argues that both evaluation and the process of change of higher education institutions require appropriate institutional bases, and it presents proposal in that direction. <![CDATA[Evaluation as a strategy of institutional identity construction]]> A relação avaliação e identidade institucional analisando possíveis caminhos, a serem trilhados pela instituição de educação superior é objeto da reflexão neste texto. Serão enfocados no desenvolvimento da argumentação: a questão da mudança de paradigma; a Instituição de Ensino Superior como organização que aprende; a concepção holística de avaliação e a construção da Identidade Institucional. A aprendizagem da organização torna-se fator decisivo de desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento institucional, adotando-se, assim, um novo conceito de gestão coletiva como atividade democrática, dialógica e ecológica na implementação e aperfeiçoamento da finalidade da organização educacional que terá como conseqüência o fortalecimento da identidade institucional. A construção da identidade pautada no conhecimento que a instituição vai elaborando na sua aprendizagem coletiva requer aplicação de estratégias diferenciadas de avaliação.<hr/>The text discusses the relation between evaluation and institutional identity while exploring possible ways to be followed by higher education institutions. The text focuses particularly on issues such as the changes of paradigm; the higher education institution as an organization which learns; the holistic conception of evaluation and the construction of institutional identity. The learning of the organization becomes the decisive factor institutional development and improvement, adopting this way a new concept of collective management as a democratic, dialogical and ecological activity in the implementation and improvement of the purposes of the educational organization which will have as its consequence the strengthening of institutional identity. The construction of identity based on the knowledge which the institution elaborates throughout the collective learning process requires the application of a variety of evaluation strategies. <![CDATA[Institutional evaluation at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF)]]> O artigo trata da trajetória da avaliação institucional na universidade, enfocando o caso da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Para tal, nos baseamos no debate hoje existente sobre avaliação institucional para a educação superior. Pretendemos, neste trabalho, analisar a política de avaliação concretizada pela UFF diante dos processos avaliativos implementados pelo MEC nas últimas décadas. Nossa questão central é discutir se a UFF tem reproduzido a lógica instrumental do MEC e dos organismos internacionais que considera a educação superior como produto a ser vendido no mercado, reduzindo a avaliação à mera verificação quantitativa de resultados e servindo apenas como forma de controle e fiscalização ou se esta universidade tem buscado as suas próprias alternativas de avaliação institucional, construindo um processo permanente e contínuo de auto-avaliação, com a participação ativa dos sujeitos envolvidos no projeto de universidade. Em certa medida, a UFF tem procurado suas alternativas, no que se refere ao processo de auto-avaliação. Contudo, no tocante aos procedimentos externos de avaliação impostos pelo MEC, a UFF os têm reproduzido, ficando as resistências a cargo do movimento estudantil, em especial de alguns cursos mais politizados.<hr/>The present article discusses the trajectory of the institutional evaluation with a focus on the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). In order to do that, we investigate the present debate about the institutional evaluation of higher education. The artic1e analyses the evaluation policy carried out by UFF before the evaluative processes implemented by MEC in the last few decades. The -main purpose is to discuss whether UFF has been reproducing the instrumental logic of the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) and of the international organisms, which consider higher education as a product to be sold in the market, reducing the evaluation system to a simple quantitative verification of results only serving as a form of control and fiscalization or whether this university has been searching its own forms of alternative institutional evaluation, building a permanent and continuous process of self-evaluation, with the active participation of the subjects involved in the university project. In a certain way, UFF has been looking for alternatives concerned with processes of self-evaluation. Nevertheless, with regard to the external procedures imposed by MEC, the Fluminense Federal University has been reproducing them and the resistance has been made by the student movement, especially by a few politicized undergraduate programs. <![CDATA[Evaluating curricular physical education: information produced by Collective Health/ Epidemiology and Physical Activity Group, Unicamp, Br]]> Entre as muitas faces da Educação Física (E.F.), está a E.F. Curricular, disciplina ministrada a alunos de graduação de diferentes cursos. Por se tratar de dimensão universitária adicional da E.F.O Grupo de Saúde Coletiva/Epidemiologia e Atividade Física da FEF/ Unicamp tomou-a como objeto de estudo em vinte projetos que desenvolveu. O objetivo da presente comunicação consiste, portanto, em proceder a avaliação de tal produção, com vistas à geração de amplo painel descritivo que possa subsidiar decisões setoriais tanto no âmbito da Educação Física quanto da Saúde.<hr/>Among the many faces of Physical Education (P.E.) is Curricular P.E. , a discipline offered to undergraduate students of different programs. Representing an additional academic dimension of P.E., the Collective Health/ Epidemiology and Physical Activity Group, Unicamp, Br has taken it as object of study in twenty projects which were developed. The purpose of this paper is, thus, to evaluate such production, aiming at a broad description to subsidize sectorial decisions both in P.E. and in Collective Health. <![CDATA[El mecanismo experimental de acreditación de carreras universitarias del Mercosur]]> Este trabajo describe los antecedentes del Mecanismo Experimental de Acreditación de Carreras Universitarias del MERCOSUR, los procedimientos e instrumentos que lo integran y el estado actual de implementación del mismo. EI objetivo del Mecanismo acordado por los países miembros del MERCOSUR y asociados es facilitar el reconocimiento de títulos y diplomas universitarios entre dichos países, a través de la acreditación de las carreras universitarias, que voluntariamente se sometan al proceso y lo superen exitosamente. EI objeto de este artículo es describir esta experiencia, única, de acreditación regional de carreras universitarias, en plena etapa de implementación, así como destacar el inexorable avance de la acreditación como medio de mejoramiento y certificación de la calidad de la Educación Supe rior, llamando, por otra parte, la atención acerca de la insuficiencia de organismos acreditadores, especialmente de alcance internacional, para llevar a cabo el proceso, y la necesidad de encontrar alternativas para atender la cada vez más creciente demanda de acreditación de los programas impartidos por las instituciones de educación superior de la región.<hr/>This article describes the antecedents of the "Experimental Mechanism for Accreditation of University Degrees in the MERCOSUR", its procedures and instruments and its current state of implementation. The objective of the Mechanism, agreed by MERCOSUR member countries and associated countries, is to facilitate the recognition of university degrees and diplomas among the signing countries, through the accreditation of university programs that are submitted voluntarily to the process and attain a successful evaluation. The objective of this article is to describe this unique experience of regional accreditation of university degrees, currently under implementation, as well as to emphasize the inexorable progress of accreditation as a means of improvement and certification of quality in Higher Education, drawing, on the other hand, attention about the insufficient number of existing accreditation organizations, particularly those with international reach, to carry out the process, and the necessity to find out alternative means to attend the increasing demand for accreditation of the programs currently offered by the institutions of higher education in the region. <![CDATA[La acreditación de la educación superior: análisis comparado de las prácticas vigentes]]> Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los factores comunes que pueden encontrarse en el análisis comparado de los países que poseen sistemas de acreditación de la educación superior relativamente consolidados. Para ello, hemos utilizado información proporcionada por el I1PE - UNESCO, que acaba de realizar un estudio comparativo de los sistemas de acreditación en los EEUU, Colombia, Hungría, India y Filipinas' . También hemos utilizado información del estudio que está realizando el Programa ACRO, que compara los sistemas y procedimientos de acreditación entre América Latina y la Unión Europea, a través del análisis de los casos nacionales de España, Portugal, Holanda, Italia, Brasil, Argentina, Chile y Uruguay (que está a nuestro cargo). Finalmente hemos trabajado con información proporcionada por la OCDE, que compara la situación de 15 países europeos, y que es recogida en el trabajo de J. J. Brunner "Aseguramiento de la Calidad y Nuevas Demandas Sobre la Educación Superior en América Latina ", presentado en forma de ponencia en el Primer Seminario Internacional "Educación Superior, Calidad y Acreditación", organizado por el Consejo Nacional de Acreditación de Colombia, durante los días 10 a 12 de julio del presente ano en Cartagena de Indias, donde tuvimos el honor de ser invitados a participar.<hr/>This purpose of this paper is to present the common factors which may be found in comparisons between countries which have rather consolidated systems of higher education accreditation. To identify these factors, we used information supplied by the I1PE- UNESCO, which recently carried out a study of accreditation systems in the USA, Colombia, Hungry, India and the Philippines. We have also used information supplied by a study made by ACRO, which compares the systems and accreditation procedures in Latin America and the European Union, through an analysis of national cases in Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (of which we are in charge). Finally, we have made use of information supplied by the OCDE, which compares the situation in 15 European countries and which can be found in the work of J.J. Brunner "Quality Assurance and New Demands over Higher Education in Latin America", presented as a paper in the First International Seminar "Higher Education, Quality and Accreditation", organized by the Colombian National Accreditation Council in July 10 to 12, 2004 in Cartagena de Indias of which we had the honor to participate. <![CDATA[La formación en Ciencias Básicas en América Latina: algunas sugerencias para su transformación]]> La idea fuerza de esta reflexión es la escasa relevancia de las Ciencias Básicas en América Latina. Esto parece ser causa primera de que la orientación de la enseñanza de estas disciplinas en las facultades latinoamericanas esté dirigida preponderantemente a la formación de investigadores académicos. En muchas de estas facultades se realizan notables esfuerzos para ampliar las capacidades disponibles, incrementando el número de graduados y mejorando su formación. En general, los logros no están a la altura de las energías dedicadas, porque el papel de las ciencias en la sociedad no depende sólo de las capacidades científicas disponibles sino fundamentalmente de las oportunidades para ponerlas en juego creativamente, retroalimentándolas, amplificándolas y legitimándolas socialmente. Luego de realizar algunas consideraciones teóricas que sitúan el análisis, y entendiendo que el principal desafío de las Facultades de Ciencias Básicas es la construcción de una base social más sólida que la actual, se pretende abordar, tentativamente, algunas respuestas a la pregunta: cómo pueden esas facultades contribuir a profundizar y ampliar la inserción socio-económica de esas ciencias en las sociedades latinoamericanas? En el marco de una redefinición de los cometidos educativos de las mencionadas facultades, se realizan algunas sugerencias concretas que buscan aportar en el desplazamiento de su "baricentro" desde la formación de licenciados hacia una tarea que incluye a la mencionada pero es mucho más amplia: la colaboración para expandir las capacidades de la población en general para usar los conocimientos científicos básicos de maneras socialmente fructíferas.<hr/>The main idea of this discussion is the scarce relevance of basic sciences in Latin America. This seems to be the primary cause behind the orientation of the teaching of these disciplines in Latin American universities which is basically directed to the preparation of academic researchers. In many of these universities we can perceive remarkable effort to increase the available capabilities, increasing the number of graduates and improving preparation. In general, achievements are not compatible with the expended energy, because the role of sciences in society do not depend solely on the available scientific capability, but fundamentally on the opportunities to make them creatively available, allowing for feedback which can broaden their meaning and legitimize them. Based on some theoretical considerations to situate our analysis and with the understanding that major challenge Basic Science Schools is the construction of a more solid basis than they enjoy today, we intend to answer, tentatively, the question: How can these schools contribute to deepen and amplify the socio-economic insertion of these sciences in Latin American societies? With the perspective of a redefinition of educational purposes of these schools, we present some concrete suggestions aimed at the displacement of the core purpose of these schools from the education of licentiates to a task which includes the above but is broader: the cooperation to expand the capacity of people in general to used scientific knowledge in socially useful ways. <![CDATA[La acreditación y la formación de los ingenieros en la Argentina]]> El proceso de acreditación de 240 carreras de ingeniería por la CONEAU en Argentina, iniciado a partir del ano 2002, ha impulsado una serie de cambios en la formación de los ingenieros e incluso ha repercutido en el sistema universitario. Algunos cambios ya se han producido y otras reformas están en marcha tanto en la cultura institucional como a nivel curricular. Pero los procesos de acreditación también han puesto en evidencia otros problemas que no puede resolver, que exigen políticas públicas más integrales a nivel de la Secretaria de Educación Superior e incluso de otras áreas de gobierno si se quiere que el sistema acompañe una política de reconstrucción de la industria nacional.<hr/>The accreditation process of 240 engineering programs held by CONEAU in Argentina since March 2002 has driven several changes in the engineering programs and has had an impact in the university system itself. Some changes have already been implemented and some other reforms are in process both at the level of institutional cultures and in the curricula. Nevertheless, accreditation processes have also made evident some other problems that are beyond individual institutions and require a perspective of an integral public policy. If the university system in this area will go along a policy for national economic reconstruction, there is a need for the development of public policies from the National Secretary for University Policies in collaboration with other areas at the state level.