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Cadernos de Pesquisa

Print version ISSN 0100-1574


GARCIA, Walter Esteves. Notes in the redistribution of competencies among actors in the educational system. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1994, n.90, pp.21-24. ISSN 0100-1574.

"Notes" discusses matters such as decentralization, power, planning of curriculum, and the necessary articulation that should exist, especially in federative countries such as Brazil, among the different spheres of government that are responsible for the task of education. The variable policy is identified as fundamental to the success or failure of decentralization. In the case of Brazil, this component is tied to the discontinuity of action, provoking interruptions, overlapping of actions, waste of many kinds, and the feeling that one must always start all over again at the same place.

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