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Educação em Revista

Print version ISSN 0102-4698On-line version ISSN 1982-6621

Educ. rev. vol.39  Belo Horizonte  2023  Epub July 01, 2023 



CHRISTIANNE THATIANA RAMOS DE SOUZA1  , Project coordinator, active participation in data analysis and review of final writing

CRISTINA BROGLIA FEITOSA DE LACERDA2  , Data collection, data analysis, text writing

1Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Belém, Pará (PA), Brazil.

2Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos, São Paulo (SP), Brazil.


The objective of this study was to investigate the process of appropriation, by the deaf, of the Portuguese language as a second language in dialogue with a bilingual teacher through the learning diary. Specifically, the pedagogical strategies used by the teacher to mediate the teaching of written language were characterized and the process of appropriation of writing by deaf students was analyzed. Learning diaries produced by deaf students in Elementary School II (Middle school) from an inclusive school that was part of a Bilingual Education Program for the deaf were collected. Based on an indexical analysis of the diaries, we focused on the dialogue between the teacher and the students present in the text of the diaries, paying attention to the characteristics and intentions contained in the dialogues, as well as to the changes that occurred in the student's texts. The results indicated that the diaries were constituted as means of enunciation and learning of written language by the deaf. Writing, as a semiotic means of constitution and expression of the subject, favored both communication and the development of knowledge about writing a second language, in addition to mediating the conversion of processes of meaning into internal processes that form the basis of consciousness.

Keywords: Deaf Education; Bilingualism; Written Language; Deafness


O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o processo de apropriação, pelo surdo, da língua portuguesa como segunda língua em interlocução com uma professora bilíngue por meio do diário de aprendizagem. Especificamente, foram caracterizadas as estratégias pedagógicas usadas pela professora para mediar o ensino da linguagem escrita e analisado o processo de apropriação da escrita pelos estudantes surdos. Foram coletados diários de aprendizagem produzidos por estudantes surdos do Ensino Fundamental II de uma escola inclusiva e que fazia parte de um Programa de Educação Bilíngue para surdos. A partir de uma análise indicial dos diários focamos na interlocução entre a professora e os estudantes presentes no texto dos diários atentando para as características e intenções contidas nos diálogos, bem como para as mudanças ocorridas nos textos dos estudantes. Os resultados indicaram que os diários se constituíram como meios de enunciação e de aprendizagem da linguagem escrita pelos surdos. A escrita, como meio semiótico de constituição e expressão do sujeito, favoreceu tanto a comunicação quanto a elaboração de conhecimentos sobre a escrita de uma segunda língua, além de mediar a conversão de processos de significação em processos internos que formam a base da consciência.

Palavras-chave: Educação de Surdos; Bilinguismo; Linguagem Escrita; Surdez


El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el proceso de apropiación, por parte de los sordos, de la lengua portuguesa como segunda lengua en diálogo con una profesora bilingüe a través del diario de aprendizaje. Específicamente, caracterizamos las estrategias pedagógicas utilizadas por la profesora para mediar la enseñanza del lenguaje escrito y analizar el proceso de apropiación de la escritura por parte de los estudiantes sordos. Tomamos los diarios de aprendizaje elaborados por estudiantes sordos de la Enseñanza Fundamental II de una escuela inclusiva y que hacía parte de un Programa de Educación Bilingüe para Sordos. A partir de un análisis indicial de los diarios nos centramos en la interlocución entre la profesora y los estudiantes presentes en el texto de los diarios prestando atención a las características e intenciones contenidas en los diálogos, así como a los cambios ocurridos en los textos de los estudiantes. Los resultados indicaron que los diarios se constituyeron como medios de enunciación y aprendizaje de la lengua escrita por parte de los sordos. La escritura, como medio semiótico de constitución y expresión del sujeto, favoreció tanto la comunicación como el desarrollo del conocimiento sobre la escritura de una segunda lengua, además de mediar la conversión de los procesos de significación en procesos internos que forman la base de la conciencia.

Palabras claves: Educación para Sordos; Bilingüismo; Lenguaje Escrito; Sordera


The teaching of written language has been one of the most investigated topics in the education area for the deaf in Brazil, as pointed out by Botarelli (2014). Several reasons justify such interest, which we highlight the doubts about how writing teaching practices for the deaf are taking place and their contributions to this student's learning.

From a legal point of view, the approval and implementation of Law n. 10,436, of April 24, 2002, which discusses the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), regulated by Decree n. 5,626, of December 22, 2005, which guaranteed the deaf community the right to use sign language as a language of communication and school instruction. Law n. 13,005, of June 25, 2014, which approves the National Education Plan, guaranteed deaf students the right to bilingual education, with Libras as a first language and Portuguese in written form as a second language. In 2021, Law 14,191 was approved, which amends Chapter V of the Law of Guidelines and Bases (Law No. 9,394, of December 20, 1996) and sanctions bilingual education as a teaching modality for the deaf.

Reflecting on the teaching of the Portuguese language in the written modality for deaf people is always complex and challenging. This elucubration implies, among other things, thinking about the creation of teaching conditions so that the deaf person, the user of a visual-gestural language, learns and makes use of a written language that is the materiality of an oral-auditory language, as a second language. That is, the deaf will have to acquire a written language that, originally, is based on orality, which demands a linguistic experience that most deaf people do not have.

According to Fernandes (1999a), mastering a language is not subordinated to linguistic performance but is related to contact and the use of the language. The means of access to the language, and the modalities in which the language is produced (oral or written) are important for the grammatical structure, even if they do not manage the brain mechanisms involved in the learning process. In the case of the deaf, learning to write is linked to the meaning that this language assumes in the social practices in which these subjects participate and this meaning can only be built in and through sign language (FERNANDES, 2006).

However, teaching practices of written Portuguese for the deaf are still commonly based on methodologies based on the literacy of hearing people. These practices contribute to difficulties with the acquisition of writing since contact with systematized writing lacks meaning. The result of this type of teaching is the production of letters and words that have no meaning for the subject, which are learned by copying models given in the classroom (FERNANDES, 2006; PEREIRA 2009).

When the teaching of writing for the deaf is based on literacy practices that disregard the linguistic and communicative condition of this subject, the result is the production of writing lacking in meanings and senses, as shown by Lima and Cardoso (2016), in their study on the analysis of the process of appropriation of writing by a deaf child in the literacy phase who attended a regular school.

The teaching of written language as a second language for the deaf should occur through practices that encourage a significant learning process. This demands innovative practices that guarantee a process of linguistic appropriation with meaning, through experiences of effective use of writing. In this way, writing can gain consistency, and complexity, and become a superior mental process (VYGOTSKI, 2012). For this to occur, the teaching process must involve experiences with the language, interlocution, and negotiation of meanings through writing between the literate adult and the deaf student (GUARINELLO, 2006).

According to Fernandes (2006, p. 8), “the more traditional the teacher's practice, the lower the chances of student advancement”. The solution to modify this reality, observes the author, is to base the practices of teaching written language to the deaf on actions that respect their linguistic condition and that use visual resources, such as reading and the production of written texts. The process of meaning for the deaf goes through visuality (FERNANDES, 1999a; PEREIRA, 2014a; STREIECHEN; KRAUSE-LEMKE, 2014), implying the need for teaching reading and writing for the deaf to happen through literacy practices that consider their linguistic condition (FERNANDES, 2006).

Kleiman (1995, p. 19) defines literacy as a series of “social practices that use writing, as a symbolic system and as a technology, in specific contexts for specific objectives”, emphasizing that traditional literacy practices become a type of literacy. Literacy favors the development of some skills and determines a way of using knowledge about writing, consistent with Soares (2001), when noting that, from an individual point of view, literacy involves reading and writing. However, the social dimension of literacy can be conceived, even defined by its “pragmatic value, that is, in the necessity of literacy for the effective functioning of society [or] in its revolutionary power, that is, in its potential to transform relationships and unjust social practices” (idem, p. 78). The school, the main literacy agency, is concerned, above all, with literacy (acquisition of alphabetic and numerical codes), considered essential for school success. On the other hand, the other literacy agencies (family, church, among others) show different orientations of this educational practice.

Rojo (1998) highlighted the need to supervise the development of the child's written language as a process linked not only to orality but also to the child's modes of participation in oral discursive practices and reading/writing in the family. In summary, the process of acquiring writing depends on the degree of literacy of the social agencies in which the subject is inserted, and also on the modes of participation of this subject in discursive practices in which reading/writing activities gain meaning (ROJO, 1995).

Literacy, taken as a social communication practice that uses writing and involves discursive actions of different natures, demands experiences with reading and writing that begin before the acquisition of formal writing (LODI, 2004). Thus, learning to write is a process that involves literacy experiences and the use of language in different discursive situations.

Gesueli and Moura (2006, p. 111) stated that “literacy in deafness has been a matter of concern for researchers in the area, provoking numerous questions about the strategies and methods to be used in the process of construction of writing in Portuguese”. For the authors, the acquisition of writing by the deaf occurs mainly through visualization. The use of sign language and discursive experiences will be fundamental for the deaf to be able to appropriate writing.

The process of acquisition of written language by the deaf takes a different path from that observed in listeners, moving away from an experience of the relationship between sound (phoneme) and spelling, being guided by a relationship between visuality and the use of language through discursive practices (GESUELI, 2015). Therefore, the deaf must make significant use of sign language, using it not only to establish effective dialogues with the environment but also in the production and understanding of writing. In this way, the deaf person assumes the role of interlocutor and author-reader in the process of teaching and learning to write.

There is a discontinuity between sign language (SL) and alphabetic writing, proposing as a metalinguistic bridge between these two language modalities the “early and consistent teaching of LS to the deaf, and activities that lead them to reflect on language and language from the SL” (PIRES, 2014, p. 995). The acquisition of sign language can also be permeated by literacy experiences. Thus, writing can and should be inserted into the discursive practices socially experienced by the deaf, favoring the acquisition of formal writing.

Deaf people produce an interlanguage characterized “by the mixture of structures and functions between the base language (Libras) and the target language (Portuguese)” (FERNANDES, 2011, p. 113), peculiar in second language learners. As this process is unknown by most teachers who work with teaching the writing of an oral language, it is not uncommon for several professionals in this area to take the written production of the deaf as incorrect, with their difficulties being linked to their “disabled” condition, as highlights Fernandes (2011).

The greatest difficulties faced by the deaf in acquiring writing are in the methodologies used in the teaching environment. Giordani (2015) pointed out that, when a bilingual teacher who uses different linguistic resources derived from mastering sign language starts teaching writing, the learning process of these learners becomes less difficult. On the other hand, Fernandes (2006) believes that the work of systematizing written language must consider the organization of functional aspects (the social function of writing), lexical aspects (vocabulary structuring, the meanings, and senses involved, intertextuality with previous knowledge) and grammatical aspects (rules and norms that allow the construction of understandable utterances).

About the elaboration of meanings in the process of acquiring writing and about the textual production of deaf people, Guarinello (2006) emphasized the importance of the joint construction of the text by the deaf person in partnership with an adult who can command Portuguese and sign language. According to the theory, the acquisition of written language by the deaf demands a joint effort, with the adult being responsible for mediating access to the aspects that will give coherence and cohesion to the text.

The process of learning to write for a deaf person demands reading and a bilingual educational space. In the encounter between the different forms of language and in the dialogues, the elaboration and appropriation of meanings in both languages will occur. In addition, the deaf person must acquire sign language as a first language, as this will be the language through which the deaf person will elaborate the meanings of writing and be able to internalize it as a language in itself and not just as a representation of objects (LODI, 2004; PEIXOTO, 2006),

In this way, we consider it inexcusable that sign language is used as a language of instruction in the process of teaching and learning written language for/by the deaf. Therefore, it is essential that the education of the deaf is based on the assumptions of bilingualism and that the written language is effectively treated as a second language. In this context, this research sought to investigate the process of appropriation, by the deaf, of the Portuguese language as a second language in dialogue with a bilingual teacher through the learning diary. Specifically, the pedagogical strategies used by the teacher to mediate the teaching of written language were characterized and we analyzed the process of appropriation of writing by deaf students.


We characterize this investigative proposal as qualitative research based on the assumptions of the cultural-historical theory, taking language as the main mediator in the constitution of the individual. To Vygotsky (2017), through language, the individual communicates with the other and through this interaction, the exchange of meanings and the acquisition of knowledge by the person takes place. According to Abaurre (1997), the conception of language as an element of self-other mediation and as a place of interlocution provides the visualization of a dynamic and constitutive relationship between subject and language.

According to Silveira and Córdova (2009), qualitative research seeks to understand, through bibliographical and documental surveys, the histories and organizations of social groups based on the search for concepts. Minayo (2001) states that this type of investigation seeks a universe of meanings, beliefs, values, etc. which corresponds to a deeper space of relationships.

This study was carried out in a municipal elementary school located in a city in the interior of São Paulo where a Bilingual Inclusion Program for deaf students operates. This Program has been working for nine (9) years and was instituted through a partnership between researchers from a public university that operates in the municipality and the Municipal Department of Education (LACERDA, 2014; LACERDA, 2016).

Because it involves the participation of human beings, this research was submitted to the analysis of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the São Carlos campus of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), and its performance was approved according to the embodied opinion number 70084917.4.0000.5504, issued by the aforementioned committee.

The bilingual teacher (Solange) of Portuguese as a second language and six deaf students (Ana, Giovana, Marta, Gisele, Iana, and Kauã) from Middle School, aged between 14 and 18, participated. We emphasize that the names attributed to the participants are fictitious to preserve their identities.

Learning diaries produced by students over a year and a half were collected as part of the activities of the subject Portuguese as a second language (L2). They were written daily as requested by the teacher, who asked the students to record their daily routines. Once a week, the diaries were collected by the teacher, who read them and made observations about the texts. This was not an activity to assign grades but was encouraged and used by the teacher as a teaching and learning activity for writing.

When used with a didactic-pedagogical nature, the diary is called a learning diary and is considered a variation of the intimate diary. Reis (2012) emphasizes that the distinction between both is situated in the function that each fulfills. While the learning diary allows for dialogue between teacher and students throughout the teaching and learning process, the intimate diary is characterized by being a space where the author dialogues with himself.

The diaries produced by deaf students were a space for dialogue between the teacher and the students about the Portuguese language as L2. The proposal for the production of these texts was elaborated and executed as a pedagogical activity, which aimed to attribute functionality and meaning to the Portuguese language. Thus, the diaries were defined as learning.

The analysis of the collected material was based on the evidentiary paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) which is characterized by attention to detail, residual clues, minutiae, and episodes. This would be an epistemological model that is based on the analysis of singular manifestations in a determined investigated situation. In this way, we consider the unique characteristics of the writing produced by the subjects who, because they are deaf and are in the process of acquiring writing as a second language, presented a textual production with interlanguage marks (FERNANDES, 2011). That is, his texts presented a structure or organization that mixed aspects of sign language and written Portuguese language, which left his production different from that produced by listeners.

The reading of the records made in the diaries considered the intervention strategies used by the teacher in the sense of mediating the process of appropriation and elaboration by the students of the formal writing of the Portuguese language, as well as the strategies used to modify the content of the records, aiming at expanding of the text and a deepening in the approach of the subjects presented.

In addition to the teacher's actions, the analysis also focused on the characteristics of the students' written production. How the writing was changing and becoming closer to the standard of the Portuguese language was discussed, considering the interaction with the teacher that took place through comments and corrections. In addition, the expressions of intimate and affective content in these texts were analyzed.

The teacher's actions in the intervention process in the diary texts produced by deaf students were characterized as being focused on aspects of form and textual elaboration of the Portuguese language as L2. As for the form, these actions were directed towards the production of the Portuguese language in the normative aspects related to spelling, accentuation, punctuation, use of prepositions, use of verbs, and word order in sentences, among other grammatical aspects. In the textual elaboration, the interventions focused on expanding the text, explaining the information contained in the texts, on lexical choices, and on encouraging production. In addition to these, the teacher's actions that encouraged the explicitness of emotional content were also analyzed.

Based on the analysis of the diaries, the discursive interactions between teacher and students were organized into three analytical axes: 1) the diary as a space for teaching and learning grammatical, lexical, and spelling aspects of the Portuguese language as L2; 2) the diary as a space for the textual elaboration of the Portuguese language as L2; 3) the diary as an emerging space for the enunciation of emotional contents.

These axes allowed knowing and understanding the ways of enunciation of students in interaction with the teacher that occurred in the process of appropriating formal aspects of writing in Portuguese as L2, as well as obtaining evidence of the emergence of affective contents.


We show each of the axes below. The analyzes are illustrated with figures taken from pages of the diaries that show how the dialogues between the teacher and the students occurred during the process of producing the texts. Taking the objectives of this study as a reference, we tried to organize the excerpts, considering the types of corrections made by the teacher and her suggestions according to the direction given by her in each intervention made.

It is important to highlight that the interventions carried out in the diaries by the teacher aimed to mediate the acquisition of the written Portuguese language by deaf students in a space of discursive production that favored a certain freedom and autonomy of production by the individuals. Thus, when the teacher made the corrections, she made choices focused on her objective but gave the chance for the creation and subjective expression of each one. Given this, in many moments the teacher prioritized the correction of some textual aspects and left others out, as will be seen in some figures.

Diary as a space for teaching and learning grammatical, lexical, and spelling aspects of the Portuguese language as L2

In this axis, we grouped the interactions between teacher and students related to the teaching and learning process of spelling, lexical and grammatical aspects of the written Portuguese language. The extracts from the diary pages presented below show some of the different ways used by the teacher to intervene in the texts, and the responses given by the students to her requests and corrections. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the interlocutions established along this route took place in an individualized way, with the diary as the stage for the dialogues woven between the author (student) and the reader (teacher).

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 1 Text taken from Kauã's diary produced on 05/14/2015. 

The excerpt from the diary represented in Figure 1 shows interventions made by the teacher aimed at teaching the spelling of words. Different strategies were used to highlight the inadequacies that appeared in the texts related to orthographic, grammatical, and lexical aspects. In Figure 1, the teacher writes the word “Acordei” above the spelling made by the student, and at the end of the text, she draws Kauã's attention to the spelling of this word.

The inadequacies that appeared in the students' texts in the written production of the Portuguese language were of a different nature. However, the teacher seemed to choose only one or a few aspects for each intervention, to be pointed out to the student, highlighting a few items at a time. At the same time that she pointed out the aspects that needed to be modified, Solange indicated in the text the characteristics appropriate to the language, showing that the student was writing and communicating satisfactorily.

The teacher explicitly demonstrated satisfaction through motivational messages (congratulating her for keeping the diary, writing well, etc.) left at the end of the text (Figure 1), or through the stamp, which also indicated that she was reading the texts. It is possible to observe in her actions an awareness of her goals, which are to motivate the student to write and teach the formal aspects of the written Portuguese language. At the same time that she valued what was learned, demonstrating her progress to the students, she acted as a mediator in the language acquisition process (VYGOTSKY, 2012; 2013; 2014b).

From these interventions, we highlight the dialogic posture assumed by the teacher in reading the diaries. Through dialogue and tensioning, she occupied a negotiating position, pointing out the problems in the text and suggesting alternatives, in addition to calling the student to also take a position. Fiorin (2016) highlighted that dialogical relationships are constituted through tension and contradiction as they involve different social positions with different interests. The utterances represent the social voices and, as the utterances are constituted dialogically, therefore, the dialogic relations are always polemical or contractual, divergent or convergent, conciliation or struggle.

Vygotsky (2000) stated that we reflect on ourselves from our relationship with others. Solange, in the cases analyzed here, acted as a mediator and reference figure in the relationship of deaf subjects with written language, assuming the role of the literate adult, being a model for subjects in formation, as highlighted by Mayrink-Sabinson (1997). This author even recalls that the process of language acquisition takes place in the interlocution between the subjects, and this interrelationship implies a constant movement of incorporation and taking the word of the other, being a physically present or represented interlocutor, but “a necessary point of reference for this subject in formation” (p. 41).

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 2 Text taken from Iana's diary produced on 5/4/2015. 

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 3 Text taken from Marta's diary produced on 02/18/2016. 

Figure 2 shows a list of expressions suggested by the teacher to Iana to be used in her text, after several interventions made in previous texts in which the student used expressions that inappropriately indicate actions. Through visual clues, the teacher pointed out to the students the inadequacies in their texts and, at the same time, indicated, with the use of additions or removals of terms, the conventional way of writing (MAYRINK-SABINSON, 1997; GESUELI; MOURA, 2006; GESUELI, 2015).

In Figure 3, the intervention was aimed at suggesting different connectives to replace the word “daí”, used repeatedly by Marta. In addition to this recommendation, Solange also observed what can be used in the written text of the student by indicating the use of different words (então, e, depois-so, and, after) in place of the word “daí”.

These interventions, in general, contributed to the students' lexical expansion. The teacher constantly carried out interventions aimed at this purpose in the diaries of all students. Through the suggestions, the educator mediated the process of vocabulary acquisition in Portuguese and collaborated for the autonomy of the students in the production of texts since the list of terms could be used as a model at any time by the student, without resorting to the teacher's continuous intervention in the text.

The teacher did not limit herself to pointing out inaccuracies but also made suggestions and gave alternatives to the students so that, little by little, they would incorporate other ways of saying/writing in Portuguese. She assumed a partnership regarding the ways of saying and that helped the students (GUARINELLO, 2007; PEREIRA, 2009; 2014a; VIANA; LIMA, 2016). According to Fernandes (1999b), the interlocutor needs to maintain a responsive attitude toward texts produced by deaf people, focusing on the possibilities that the peculiarities presented in the text indicated.

Fernandes (2006) advises that the lexical expansion of the deaf is fundamental for the production of meaningful writing. Vocabulary acquisition also involves reading, one of the main means, along with textual production, of lexical, spelling, and grammatical comprehension of the Portuguese language by the deaf. Therefore, it is necessary that the school practices of second language teaching for the deaf work on the acquisition of writing linked to reading. About this, we emphasize that reading was also part of the teaching and learning routine of the classes participating in this study.

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 4 Text taken from Iana's diary produced on 05/10/2015. 

Figure 5 Text taken from Marta's diary produced on 04/10/2016. 

Figure 4 shows that Iana incorporated the suggestions of expressions previously presented by the teacher into her text (see Figure 2). The text shows that the student not only started to use the given options but also that her narrative became clearer and more understandable. As her production progressed, Iana began to use the expressions shown by Solange more and more appropriately, and even expanded her vocabulary, as she incorporated other words in addition to those suggested.

In response to the teacher's intervention on the use of connectives and the repetitions observed in Figure 3, Marta modified her texts, adapting them to the requests made. In Figure 5, it is possible to observe that Marta incorporated the terms “and, then, after” (“e, então, depois”) in place of “daí”.

The texts became more understandable and gained greater cohesion and coherence after the changes made by the students. The partnership between the teacher, through corrections and suggestions, and the students, who changed their texts considering the interventions made, allowed the writing to gain quality, becoming structurally more organized. Similar changes were also observed in the diaries of other students, indicating that the dialogue between the interlocutors was producing an improvement in formal writing in Portuguese.

The process of production of writing adequate to the standards of the formal Portuguese language by the students also presented moments of involution, that is, in several texts and at different moments of the production of the diaries, the students presented writing permeated by inadequacies to the norms of the Portuguese language and with interlanguage characteristics (VYGOTSKY, 2012; 2014a; 2014b;FERNANDES, E., 1999b; FERNANDES, S., 2006).

However, as they progressed temporally in the production of the diary, although some inadequacies or interlanguage marks reappeared, the interventions required to modify them became smaller and smaller, sometimes even disappearing from the texts. The students, autonomously, adapted their writing to the norms without the need for intervention, and this can be observed in the marks left by them, such as the corrections made after erasing words with an eraser, or even with small corrections superimposed on the written words, as can be identified in Iana's text, in Figure 7, in which she corrects the word geography (geografia).

These textual reworking marks point to a process of re-elaboration of the linguistic norms of written Portuguese, indicating a process of reflection on writing by the student. Abaurre (1997, p. 112) reiterated that the process of textual re-elaboration indicates the constitution of an autonomous subject in language, demonstrating that we are “faced with someone who constitutes himself as a subject of language, for which, evidently, in much, the quality of the interaction he maintained with the 'other', represented, [...] through his various interlocutors must have contributed” (emphasis added).

We emphasize that the difficulties and inadequacies in the writing of the students presented in this axis are not found only in the writing of the deaf. Although the interlanguage marks observed in many situations are characteristic of specific conditions of meaning in writing by the deaf person, who uses sign language to assign meanings to the contents of writing in the Portuguese language. Problems with spelling, punctuation, and other inadequacies are also found in the writing of listeners, as pointed out by studies by Cagliari (1989) and Abaurre (1997).

The partnership between the teacher and the students, through dialogues established in the diaries, favored the production of increasingly complex texts from a linguistic point of view and with characteristics of autonomy in written production. As they progressed temporally in writing the diaries, the students showed greater independence in the use of the formal aspects of the written Portuguese language, demanding less intervention from the teacher aimed at correcting grammatical, spelling, and lexical inadequacies.

Through the dialogue established with the students individually, the teacher was able to act in their zones of proximal development, offering support according to the needs that emerged during the process of writing the diaries (VYGOTSKY, 2014a; 2014b). In this movement, the students had the opportunity to become aware of the effects of their writing on the other/reader, a fact that favored the changes that occurred in the productions and the internalization of the linguistic aspects pointed out throughout the writing process. The acquisition of the structural aspects of the Portuguese language promotes reflection and access to metalanguage, which favors the internal displacement of the subject, collaborating for the modification and rise of psychic structures to increasingly higher levels of complexity (VYGOTSKY, 2012; 2014a; 2014b).

Karnopp (2015a; 2015b) highlighted that, for deaf people, it is important to know their interlocutor, to know whom they are writing for, because, most of the time, the deaf person is put in the place of someone who does not have enough knowledge to write or who does not know how to write. This idea, from the author's perspective, is wrong, as it was built based on a tradition of teaching the Portuguese language written as a linguistic code. This understanding, associated with the non-recognition by the school of the bilingual condition of the deaf, made the school space intolerant of linguistic diversity. In this regard, Fernandes (1999b) and Guarinello (2007) emphasized that the interlocutor who interacts with the writing of the deaf person needs to be sensitive to the peculiarities of this writing and collaborate with the process of acquisition by the deaf person of written language, as a means of enunciation and of discursive expression.

We will characterize the dialogues between teachers and students focused on the content of the texts.

Diary as a space for the textual elaboration of the Portuguese language as L2

In this second axis, the interlocutions aimed at the organization and textual expansion were grouped. As in the previous category, we will carry out an investigation based on interactive sequences that occur in the texts, in which the teacher dialogues with the students through comments and requests, to improve the coherence, cohesion, and understanding of the students about the daily genre.

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 6 Text taken from Giovana's diary produced on 04/17/2016. 

In Figure 6, the teacher informs Giovana about specific topics that she no longer wants to be addressed, as they are subjects that the student had been reporting recurrently and Solange had already requested the theme variation in different ways. In the excerpt shown in Figure 6, the teacher chose to directly explain her opinion on the topics covered in the texts and her interest in the theme variation.

Interventions aimed at changing the theme addressed in the diaries were common. Solange often asked students to write about “different things” or asked questions about situations she knew students had experienced, asking them to talk about these experiences in their journals. Most students responded to the teacher's requests and began to address topics that went beyond the description of their routines at school or home. However, this type of description ended up being the predominant theme in the narratives of the diaries.

When asking students to address other topics, the teacher challenged them. Writing about the same things seemed comfortable, and familiar, and did not involve greater risks. The challenge proposed by Solange to face new themes implied using different words and new ways of saying/writing. However, the teacher did this as an invitation, instigating the student to the new. In the position of interlocutor/reader, the teacher leads students to new experiences through thematic change, which results in lexical expansion.

Guarinello (2007) stated that, in general, the texts produced by deaf people have a poor vocabulary that stems from the lack of experience with the use of the written Portuguese language and poor reading. For this reason, the teacher must encourage deaf students to read and write and base this work on a variety of texts and their exploration through sign language, as suggested by Fernandes (2006).

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 7 Text taken from Giovana's diary produced on 04/27/2016. 

As they advanced in the production of the diaries and through the teacher's interventions, the students began to include different subjects in their texts. Figure 7 shows that Giovana addresses details about her day in her diary that had not yet appeared in her narrative, such as the description of how she felt when she saw the image of “a boy who suffers and works”; tell about the butterfly she got when visiting the children's school; and about the necklace he got from a friend.

Requests for thematic variation were made to all students and, depending on how the diary was produced, the teacher would more or less frequently request changes in the topics addressed. We believe that, through this intervention, Solange stimulated an expansion in the students' lexicon, since writing about different things implies the use of a diversified vocabulary and an expansion of knowledge about the use of words in the text (GUARINELLO, 2007; FERNANDES, 2006 ). In addition, as they diversified the subjects, students had the opportunity to expand and become aware of the knowledge acquired in their lived experiences and about the environment in which they live.

For Giordani (2015), the acquisition of reading and writing skills can be fostered by immersing the deaf student in a network of interactions with competent users of the Portuguese language. Thus, the interlocutor (literate adult/teacher) gains importance and needs to act as a problematizer and create challenges for students, elaborating on challenges that need to be overcome during the text production or reading process.

Fernandes (2006, p. 14) pointed out that the text has a social function because it is addressed to someone and because it has an intention, since “its meaning can only be apprehended if articulated to the social practice that gave rise to it”. In the case of the diaries analyzed here, they had the teacher as their direct interlocutor, and because it is an activity proposed in the school space, it became a means of teaching and learning the written Portuguese language. In this way, the teacher's interventions sought to encourage students to improve their writing and expand their knowledge of the Portuguese language, while students acquired linguistic, organization, and textual skills, becoming increasingly competent in the task of producing texts.

Although not all students managed to produce detailed narratives, addressing diverse themes and with a textual coherence adequate to the standardization of the Portuguese language, all of them made advances in their productions, due to starting from a moment in which the writing of the diary describes the time they woke up, what they had eaten for meals, the classes taken at school and ended by informing that they had slept. The main and, sometimes, only topic addressed was the basic routine.

Gradually, the narrative about the routine gained more elements, they started to tell about the activities they did as a family during the week, later, on the weekends, and some started to narrate about experiences in other places (Kauã addressed his experience with his first job; Iana talked about the church; Gisele talked about her father's job) and with other people (Kauã talked about his first girlfriend; everyone talked about their experiences with friends outside the school environment).

In this way, some not only expanded and detailed their narratives but also varied the themes and began to address more intimate issues, such as emotional experiences. At the end of the diary's production period, all had advances both in the textual organization and in the modification and diversification of the content. The presence of a qualified reader who encourages and gives meaning to writing favors the empowerment of the writer who feels motivated to write more and better.

When we talk about writer's training, we are not referring to the student's preparation to become a professional writer but a writer/author who has knowledge of different discursive genres and who is able to express himself through them understandably and autonomously (SILVA; STURM, 2013). By gaining confidence in their textual production capacity, students can use writing to reflect, organize themselves, and elaborate emotions, among other functions (VYGOTSKY, 2012; 2014a; 2014b).

In general, deaf people have difficulty with writing and, for the most part, do not reach authorship and autonomy, often due to the process of teaching the Portuguese language to which they are submitted (FERNANDES, E., 1999b; FERNANDES, S., 2006; PEREIRA, 2009; 2014a; 2014b; GIORDANI, 2015). The students participating in this research walked towards autonomous and authorial writing, and advanced in the expression of affective aspects through writing, allowing elaborations about feelings and emotions experienced through their life experiences.

Diary as a space for enunciation and meaning of emotional content

In this third axis, we grouped narratives that contained evidence of reports about emotions experienced by students. Although the genre analyzed here could be a favorable space for reporting intimate content and emotional experiences, this theme appeared timidly in the students' texts. One of the reasons that can justify this absence is the fact that the diary has become an instrument for teaching and learning the written Portuguese language, resulting in the approach of themes being limited to descriptions of experiences that involved the school, the classroom, the family routine and, eventually, they entered into the affective aspects.

However, even rare, reports that touched on affective issues emerged. We will present some extracts from the diaries that exemplify these situations and we will analyze how the narratives about emotional content were brought.

Figure 8 Text taken from Iana's diary produced on 05/20/2015. 

Source: Student Diary.

Figure 9 Text taken from Iana's diary produced on 05/20/2015 

Another strategy used by the teacher was the comments in which she dialogued with the students about reports in the diaries that exposed anguish, dissatisfaction, happiness, and sadness, among other emotions experienced. Figures 8 and 9 show examples of a dialogue between the teacher and Iana referring to a dissatisfaction narrated by the young woman in her diary. Iana reported that she was sad with her classmates because they were moving away from her and, because of this fact, she would like to change schools but ran into the problem of the lack of an interpreter in another location. Solange, in response to the student's outburst, pondered that the school she attends is the best to meet her needs and claims that she is loved by everyone, although she needs to learn to deal with her jealousy towards her friends.

However, we emphasize the appearance of Iana's concern with the lack of school adequacy for her condition of deafness. By exposing, textually, that her desire to change schools could only become real if there was a sign language interpreter in the future educational space, we become aware that the young woman is aware of her condition and the difficulties she may face in a location that does not recognize this condition. The student's concern also reveals a desire to be respected as a deaf person and to have freedom of movement in the social environment in which she is inserted.

The coexistence of the deaf in a hearing environment that does not recognize or does not accept their linguistic condition leads to the oppression of the deaf community, which is subjected to relations of power, domination, and normalization by the hearing community, which imposes means of control on the community deaf that emphasizes hearing sovereignty. Lane (1992) and Skliar (1999) argued that, although the hearing community tries to exercise domination over the deaf community in an attempt to adapt it to normal standards, the deaf break with this relationship by asserting through sign language, through which they build their culture and identity.

Although the presence of a sign language interpreter is a necessary condition for the deaf student to have access to academic knowledge in an inclusive educational environment, there is no guarantee of meeting the other educational needs of the deaf student, as highlighted by Lacerda and Bernardino (2010). According to Campos (2013), the school inclusion of the deaf needs to guarantee the presence of sign language in the classroom but it is also essential to provide training for professionals who work with these people, in addition to using teaching methodologies and didactics that contemplate the characteristics linguistic and learning skills of deaf students.

In addition to the need to be a space that provides conditions for the circulation of sign language and educational content, Moura (2013) argued that the school environment should also be a space where deaf culture is present. Ensuring the presence of sign language and deaf culture at school are necessary conditions for the constitution of deaf subjects.

Returning to the situation under analysis, we emphasize another aspect that emerges in Iana's report related to the exposure of her feeling of sadness. The student perceives the teacher as someone who can listen to her complaints, welcome her, managing to expose her concern and her desires. At the same time, the student is not restricted to complaining, but also justifies and problematizes the solutions that have already occurred to her. It is possible to see their elaborations/reflections being expressed or being provoked by writing. Vygotsky (2012; 2014a; 2014b; 2000) highlighted the role of writing as a means of acquiring and elaborating meanings that become internal structures responsible for various complex processes that occur in thought.

Sometimes, when students expressed internal conflicts, Solange named the emotions experienced. Situations of this type were not common, however, when they happened, the teacher intervened, highlighting the affective aspects involved. In this way, she gave them the chance for the diary to become a space for the elaboration of experiences involving affection.

These comments and others made in the diaries of the other students indicate that the teacher also used the referred resource as a means of dialoguing with the students about intimate subjects that, many times, do not reach the classroom due to a lack of opportunity to create spaces for the expression of emotions and affective content. Through the diary, the teacher managed not only to create a different space for dialogue with the students about the written Portuguese language but also managed to establish communication about affective content.

By providing situations for the expression of aspects related to affection in the diaries, the teacher created conditions to get to know her students more and better. Embracing the conflicts reported in the diaries and collaborating to solve the problems experienced by the students gave the teacher a broader view of the affective issues internally experienced by the students, which can interfere with the daily routine of the classroom, in the process of teaching and learning and the relationships between the interlocutors in this process.

The school environment, in general, hardly creates conditions for the teacher to be able to access this level of information about the students. However, the practice of this teacher did. We can say that this achievement is related both to the discursive foundation of her practice of teaching the Portuguese L2 language and to sharing the same language with her students since the teacher used sign language proficiently.


The general analysis of the diaries collected in this research showed that they were narratives that referred to situations experienced by the authors in their daily lives, which occurred in the recent past or the present. The reports addressed situations inside and outside the school and, eventually, questions related to inner contents, such as emotions, were brought up. The writing of the diaries provided students with an autonomous writing experience and the development of formal writing competence in the Portuguese language (DARSIE, 1996; ANDRÉ; PONTIN 2010; FRANGO, 2014; FERREIRA; MARQUES-SCHÄFER; 2016).

As previously mentioned, the movement towards learning the rules of writing in the Portuguese language observed in all the diaries does not follow a linearity nor does it follow a growing pattern of internalization. On the contrary, it is marked by evolutions and setbacks, which do not necessarily mean a return to the starting point but demonstrate that the conversion of the knowledge that is being negotiated demands experience in the use of the object of knowledge that is being taught and dialogue about the ways of use of it, so finally, it can be used autonomously. This movement involves conflict and its resolution. Therefore, it is important to highlight that the teacher's actions follow a pace that respects and accompanies the process of each student.

This way of intervening is shown to be respectful and in dialogue with the students who continue to write and gradually incorporate the information brought by the teachers. Over time, it is possible to see that the students do not make the same mistakes, and they start to appropriate several rules for using the Portuguese language. This fundamental work of the teacher seems to open space for more autonomous and authorial writing, being able to create conditions to make writing a means of reflection on oneself and on the other.

The analyzed productions brought evidence of writing with interlanguage marks. These marks usually appear in texts by people who are in the process of acquiring a second language and indicate the elaboration of this language by the subject. In general, the productions favored deaf students to write about concretely experienced situations, elaborate systematized meanings present in the interlocutions about the structure and functioning of the Portuguese language as L2 and, also, meanings constructed in this encounter between schooled knowledge and already acquired knowledge by the deaf in their experiences of using the second language, with Libras as the main mediator of thinking in dialogue with the Portuguese language.

This research shows how appropriate pedagogical practices can lead deaf students to consistent mastery of writing, reaching, through the appropriation of writing, more complex levels of reasoning. The results showed signs of psychic elaborations mediated by writing and sign language acting in the production process of their written texts. This resulted from an educational practice based on bilingual principles that, when assumed in fact, create conditions for effective learning of Portuguese as a second language, generating autonomy and reflexivity in the subject.

Therefore, based on the analysis of the productions, it is possible to affirm that deaf students, having appropriated the written language, are capable of elaborating structured discourses in a second language and, through this, appropriating meanings constructed in the interlocution with another or with oneself in/through writing. As they appropriate the norms and make significant use of written language, the deaf can use it as a means of interaction with the other, the other being able to play the role of reader or author, and of acquiring knowledge.


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Received: August 28, 2020; Accepted: November 03, 2022



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