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Revista Eletrônica de Educação

Print version ISSN 1982-7199


MOLINA, Mônica Castagna; SANTOS, Clarice Aparecida dos  and  BRITO, Márcia Mariana Bittencourt. Pronera and the production of knowledge in Educators and Agricultural Science trainning courses: theory and practice facing Bolsonarism. Rev. Elet. Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.14, e4539138.  Epub Oct 29, 2020. ISSN 1982-7199.

The rights of the peasantry are a target for the attack of Bolsonaro’s project. Part of these attacks attempt to destroy the National Education Program on Agrarian Reform - Pronera. It is assumed that this attempt is associated with the results achieved by this policy, which are going against the political-economic interests that sustain Bolsonaro’s government. This work aims at reflecting on possible differentials in the knowledge production processes generated in higher education courses, training of educators and agricultural sciences linked to Pronera, as well as the potential of this process to intervene in the transformation of social reality, contributing to the materialization of the peasant’s territorial project, centred on land decentralization, agro ecology and food sovereignty. Reports from the II National Survey of Education in Agrarian Reform were analyzed and bibliographic research was carried out in the Coordination of Improvement of Higher-Level Personnel (Capes) Thesis Catalogue, between 1998 to 2019. Out of the 48 researches on educator training and 24 on agricultural sciences linked to Pronera found, 12 studies on the performance of graduates in schools and 5 on their performance in organizing the production of settlements were selected for analysis with the intention of capturing the relationship between theory and practice. The researchers found relevant insertion of the graduates in the schools of the settlements, with considerable changes in their school organization and pedagogical work, as well as changes in the productive processes towards an agroecological transition linked to the social struggles to transform the countryside.

Keywords : Pronera; Higher Education; Knowledge production; Praxis.

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