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Reflexão e Ação

On-line version ISSN 1982-9949

Rev. Reflex vol.30 no.2 Santa Cruz do Sul May/Aug 2022  Epub July 05, 2023 


Education is a territory of responsabilities

Cheron Zanini Moretti1 

Camilo Darsie2 

1 Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC - Santa Cruz do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil.

2 Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC - Santa Cruz do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil.

Social networks, media channels and several other technologies brings, distractions, and companionship to the daily lives of many people today. Possibilities for entertainment, education and training through different media is one of the characteristics of the way of being in the contemporary world. In this view, many interesting ideas gain visibility and trigger new reflections regarding Education, however, it is important to highlight that, on the other hand, part of the available and accessed content is produced from limited experiences and opinions that often impair relevant discussions to this area.

As a result, a considerable number of communicators have come to be popularly believed that the educational field is shaped by individual opinions of different professionals, politicians and influencers who make different proposals without knowing the day-to-day, and the dynamics that involve teachers, students, and other subjects in the area. In this case, the most common arguments - defended by those who take Education as a visitation place - attack topics of great educational relevance that for years have been investigated, problematized, and transformed by professionals in the field.

From a combination of ideological-political tensions, beliefs about educational knowledge, and economic logic, many “experts” put themselves available in an irresponsible way. In this context, ideological confrontations, innovative - conservative - ideals and market opportunities emerged or intensified in the midst of the chaos caused by old social inequalities that involve everyday educational practices, both in the world and in Brazil. This situation has widened the gap between those students who are in privileged positions and those who face numerous social and economic challenges.

Hence, we understand that the Education field needs to be discussed in a responsible way, based on the professionals’ proposals who study it deeply and live it intensely. It is not moral judgments or individual values that can solve the challenges faced by students, teachers and researchers, since the difficulties are deeper and more complex than people might think. More than 1.5 billion students have been affected by the pandemic worldwide. The Global Education Monitoring Report (UNESCO, 2020) indicates that more than 40% of the poorest countries did not support their students during the pandemic. In the case of Brazil, the number of children and teenagers without access to education jumped from 1.1 million in 2019 to 5.1 million in 2020 (UNICEF-CENPEC, 2021). Still, social inequality was deepened, increasing the number of people in extreme poverty. In March 2020, there were around 13.5 million people in this condition. A year later, there was an increase of 5.8%, in other words, 784 thousand Brazilians. (DIEESE, 2021).

Such data indicates that "innovative" narratives about the Education directions are not related to the realities experienced by most students and, therefore, are directed only to a part of the educational system, which covers a small portion of Brazilians. This matter calls us to minimize the inequities that constitute thousands of Brazilians lives and, more specifically, of thousands of students and teachers. Certainly, it is necessary that we think about the importance of innovations and transformations in the most diverse pedagogical contexts, since this is a fundamental practice in any theoretical-practical territory, however, the need to be surprised by the inequalities that overload and weaken public education policies is strengthened.

In this direction, we understand that the collaboration of fellow professors and researchers is of great value, as they invite us to think about challenges and possibilities in an edifying way. It is through these collaborations that we present the collection of articles that make up the May/August 2022 issue of Reflexão e Ação Magazine.

In the first article, Full-time Integral High School: socio-emotional competence for an Integral Education? Daniel de Souza França and Jane Mery Richter Voigt, from the Universidade da Região de Joinville (Univille), discuss the development of socio-emotional competence in Integral High School in Full-time, in view of the growing centrality of the theme regarding insertion in the labor market. Subsequently, in Integral, aesthetic-environmental Education and geodesic dome: contributions to human development, Danielle Müller de Andrade, Fabiana Celente Montiel (both from the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense - Campus Pelotas- Visconde da Graça) and Elisabeth Brandão Schmidt, from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) present the construction potential and use of a Geodesic Dome regarding the development of Integral Education.

In the third article, Integral Teaching Program: The State of São Paulo’s scheme, Adriana Locatelli França and Renata Portela Rinaldi, both from Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), discuss the Integral Teaching Program in the state network in São Paulo. The authors take it as a strategy to guarantee the social right to quality education in public schools. Based on documental research and literature review, they discuss how the Program is aligned, or not, with the concept of Integral Education in the perspective of omnilaterality and human emancipation.

In the text Integral Education, extended journey and Complex Thinking: essays on educative grounds, Diovane de César Resende Ribeiro, Marcus Vinicius Neves Araujo and Regina Maria Rovigati Simões (Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro) establish relationships between Integral Education, Education in extended journey, complex thinking and the potential of territories for social development. Next, Daniella de Souza Bezerra, from Instituto Federal de Goiás and Thaisa Lemos de Freitas, from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Goiás, bring together knowledge related to Full-Time High School, Integral Education, and the Epistemology of Complexity to discuss the time sense and the training aimed at Brazilian youth. They also discuss the popular education meaning in the integral perspective in the article entitled Under integral Education prisms and complexity: Possibilities for high school.

In the sixth article, Promotion of learning strategies in University Education: Challenges to learn, Luciana Toaldo Gentilini Avila, from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) and Lourdes Maria Bragagnolo Frison, from Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) analyze the contributions of a workshop on learning offered to students from different undergraduate courses at a Public University. In Social Education and necessary knowledge: analysis based on institutional care experiences, Verônica Regina Muller and Paula Marçal Natali, from the Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), in partnership with Karine dos Santos, from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), write about knowledge relevant to the practice of social educators in institutional shelters.

The next manuscript, entitled Fake News: Collaborative video production in the cyberculture context, is by Jessica Chagas Oliveira and Edvaldo Souza Couto, both from the Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). In it, the authors transit through cyberculture studies to analyze the collaborative production processes of a video in the classroom. Subsequently, Interpersonal/self-inflicted notification: Action in the context of nurses’ training Fabiana Veronez Martelato Gimenez and Sandra Regina Gimeniz-Paschoal, from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), present educational practices, in the context of training nurses, about violence reports.

Teacher Training and Inclusive Education: elements for an intersection is the tenth article in the issue. Written by Ademárcia Lopes de Oliveira Costa (Universidade Federal do Acre), Robéria Vieira Barreto Gomes (Universidade Federal do Ceará) and Maria Irinilda da Silva Bezerra (Universidade Federal do Acre) presents a reflection on the importance of teacher training towards inclusion. Afterwards, in Hospital Educational Assistance: pedagogical work organization attributions and contributions, Leila Cristina Mattei Cirino, Jacques Lima Ferreira and Ricardo Antunes de Sá, from Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) and Centro Universitário Curitiba (UNICURITIBA), discuss a qualitative approach investigation regarding the relationship between pedagogical work organization and hospital educational service.

Elisangela da Sila Bernardo (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Unirio), Flavia Gonçalves da Silva (Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF) and Rosângela Cristina Rocha Passos Felix (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro- Unirio) are the authors of the article entitled Innovative High School: The challenges of integral and (in) full-time Education for Youth. In it, they present a reflection on the implementing Integral and Full Time High School challenges developed by the Rio de Janeiro State Department of Education.

Analysis of goal 4 of the national educational plan: studies carried out in Mangaratiba RJ, by Elaine Alves Leite, Sérgio Crespo Coelho da Silva Pinto and Ruth Maria Mariani Braz, researchers at Universidade Federal Fluminense, present an analysis of the fulfillment of Goal 4 of the National Education Plan in the city of Mangaratiba. In Pedagogical Innovation: Notions that orbit this concept, Joao Ferreira Sobrinho Junior and Nyuara Araújo da Silva Mesquita, from Universidade Federal de Goiás, present conceptions related to pedagogical innovation. In this sense, they argue that pedagogical innovation is established by creating, adapting, or readapting techniques or technologies.

In the last article of the issue The role of the elderly in the preservation and dissemination of Terena ethnoknowledge in indigenous school in Mato Grosso do Sul state, by Paulo Roberto Vilarim, Décio Ruivo Martins, Sérgio Paulo Jorge Rodrigues, from Universidade de Coimbra, and Jorge Eremites de Oliveira, from Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), analyze the role of elders in the preservation and dissemination of Terena ethnoknowledge in the context of existing public schools in Terena villages, located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Also, we present the interview entitled The school and Scholar Time in Latin America, made by Professor Éder da Silva Silveira, from the Graduate Program in Education at the Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul, with Sergio Martinic, Professor and Head of the Department of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Aysén, Chile.

We hope that the reading of the articles and other texts will be productive and that it will awaken new discussions around the Education field.


DIEESE. Desigualdades sociais e econômicas se aprofundam. Boletim de Conjuntura, n. 29, 2021. Disponível em: Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 out 2021. [ Links ]

UNESCO, Global education monitoring report, 2020: Inclusion and education: all means all. Unesco, 2020. Disponível em: Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 out 2021. [ Links ]

UNICEF/CENPEC. Cenário da Exclusão Escolar no Brasil: um alerta sobre os impactos da pandemia da COVID-19 na Educação. Unesco/Cenpec, 2021. Disponível em: Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 out 2021. [ Links ]

Cheron Zanini Moretti Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Education, in the Research line: Education, Culture and Production of Subjects, at Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. UNISC. Coordinator of the Collective Health Internship and Professor at the Medicine Faculty. Research group leader on Public Policies, Inclusion, and Production of Subjects (PPIPS) and Revista Reflexão e Ação managing editor at PPGEdu at the same institution. Doctor in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, he did an university doctoral exchange at The University of Minessota (USA), completed his Post-doctorate in Collective Health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He develops research in the areas of Education, Health and Geography.

Camilo Darsie Doctor in Education at the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos / UNISINOS; She was a CNPq fellow during the entire course (2010-2014) where she created the research group named: Pedagogical Mediations and Citizenship. She has a master’s degree in Education (2008) and a degree in History (2005), from the same university. She did an internship for her doctorate abroad, at Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) with a grant from the CAPES / PDSE program (2012). Recently, she completed his post-doctorate in Education with a CNPq / PDJ scholarship. Professor in the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul / UNISC, in the research line: Education, Work and Emancipation and in the Department of Sciences, Humanity and Education. Coordinates the research group known as: Popular Education, Participatory Methodologies and Decolonial Studies (CNPq). And Obervatorio de la Educación de Campo del Valle del Rio Pardo (ObservaEduCampoVRP). She has been concerned with investigating issues related to Latin America, such as: Popular Education, Alternatives, and pedagogical ideas, (Un) Coloniality of knowledge and Insurgency as an educational principle, having as a reference participatory research in methodological processes. Editor-in-chief of the Reflexão e Ação Magazine (A4)

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