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Revista Brasileira de História da Educação

Print version ISSN 1519-5902On-line version ISSN 2238-0094

Rev. Bras. Hist. Educ vol.23  Maringá  2023  Epub Sep 26, 2023 


Brand new air, sustainability and other challenges

Carlos Eduardo Vieira1

Eduardo Lautaro Galak2

José Gonçalves Gondra3  *

Olívia Morais de Medeiros Neta4

Raquel Discini de Campos5

Sergio Luiz de Godoy6

1Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil. E-mail:

2Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail:

3Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. E-mail:

4Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brasil. E-mail:

5Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG, Brasil. E-mail:

6Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação, Maringá, PR, Brasil. E-mail:

The Issue Number 23 of the Revista Brasileira de História da Educação (RBHE) was produced within the framework of an achievement, as it was financed by the CNPq1 Publishing notice, in order to offer greater sustainability to the journal and provide, even partially, the services executed by our providers (legal entities).Some of which, we could highlight the providers responsible for the textual/grammatical review; textual and reference standardization; graphic design; and layout, as well as the payment of DOI and Ithenticate, which increased the publication of texts in a foreign language. In addition, these resources also paid for the services of individuals in charge of the text preparation, XML markup and validation (XPM and Style Checker), and the technical services necessary for the development of RBHE's strategic actions, which correspond to the 45 articles from volume 23, published in 2023.

Although far from the amounts necessary for the full maintenance of the RBHE, the value paid by the CNPq Editorial Program must be celebrated, as our country and government also assumed the role of recognizing the specialized press and high-quality scientific communication as part of their agenda. A celebration that aligns with the important program of the journals' sustainability which, according to a recent survey by Scielo (2021), is an issue that marks the major areas of knowledge in an asymmetrical way. According to this study, only 36% of journals have good sustainability conditions; and 71% good or fair conditions. Biological and Health Sciences journals, according to this census, present better sustainability conditions with 90% and 84% good or reasonable conditions, respectively. Those with the lowest sustainability conditions are the Human Sciences and Linguistics, Literature and Arts journals, with 40% assessed as limited.

The theme of sustainability, on the other hand, is closely connected with the challenges of keeping a qualified, stable and secure communication channel, in order to ensure the existence of a community of dialogue, as well as advance the agenda of the so-called “Open Science” (cf. Silva; Silveira, 2019, Scielo, 2022a, 2022b, SBHE, 2022), and preserve the interests regarding internationalization, considering the traditions, peculiar movements and agendas of different areas of knowledge. Alongside this, to ensure a specialized journalism is a condition to undo old and strong exclusions around historically more vulnerable segments, in order to think about strategies that take into consideration the value and the criteria of gender, race, ethnicity and people with disabilities; without disregarding the imperative of quality and the reflections that lead to the validation of certain sections, periods, sources, approaches, issues and ways of writing.

Issue 22 featured a dossier that focused on the education of black populations, the second from RBHE on this topic, a consistent indicator of the journal's commitments to peripheralized, stigmatized and excluded segments.

The journal's commitment has other equally relevant dimensions, such as recognizing and stimulating production around relatively new and/or emerging subjects, as is the case with the dossier published in this issue: History of education and materialities: collecting and selecting researches. As the organizers of the most recent dossier point out, the 12 selected articles reveal a little of the material culture universe and its relationships with the history of education. According to Souza, Cordeiro, Bencostta and Nery (2023), the dossier brings with it “movements of researchers in the field of history of education and school material culture, who, in recent years, have dedicated themselves to mobilizing sources”2 (established and new ones), as well as proposing other perspectives, in order to highlight “educational and school materialities beyond their nuances and details”3; seeking to insert them into the “scope of research and derive from them analyzes that help understand historical-cultural phenomena”4.

Alongside this material, Issue 23 brings together 33 articles in continuous demand, with a total of 84 authors, from 47 institutions from all macro-regions of Brazil, covering 16 states of the federation, as well as foreign authors from Argentina, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay. This issue also has 4 reviews, 1 translation and 1 interview. These last two genres of texts were absent in the last issues of RBHE, an additional reason to celebrate the journal's new era. A detail of the provenance and distribution of the articles can be seen in Table 1.

Source: the authors (2023).

Chart 1 Provenance and distribution of articles (RBHE, no. 23). 

This situation maintains a certain stability with regard to the origin of contributions, which, to a large extent, can be understood by the structuring of the field of history of education in Brazil, whose postgraduate network is concentrated in the southeast and south regions of the country. However, it is necessary to recognize the widespread presence of research groups in the area, given the presence of authors from 16 Brazilian states. With regard to foreigners, there is also a certain stability resulting from partnerships between Brazilians and researchers from the 5 countries represented in this issue of RBHE.

In fact, the scope of this publication, when considering the themes, sources and bibliography covered, indicates the Revista de História da Educação as part of the SBHE and the international community, and it has actively taken part in the construction of an agenda that does not leave aside problems established in the field, but is also attentive to thematic gaps, in order to make vacant areas as theoretical-empirical possibilities. At times when the importance of science, knowledge and education is being questioned transnationally, each issue of the journal is a reason for celebration and affirmation that thinking about the history of education and diverse social experiences is deeply articulated when thinking about the dimension of politics.

Another concern that deserves to be highlighted refers to the continued investment in publishing articles in a foreign language. Of the total of 45 articles, this number contains 28% texts in another language, without considering translated material.

Last but not least, with a view to creating new possibilities for interacting with the public, RBHE opened a Twitter profile in May 2023, @RbheSbhe -, as well as an investment in press release and pitch production resources on the Scielo Blog. In this case, four printed texts and four promotional videos were recently published and can be accessed via the links on the aforementioned Blog5.

RBHE thus maintains its commitments to qualified information, at the same time that it has sought to be in tune with the “pains and delights” of the present times, considering the complex operations involved in this gesture of diagnosing the present, in order to outline lines of actions that respond to the desires of the academic community of historians of education, review routes and indicate other possibilities that ensure the sustainability of the journal.

With this, we invite readers to interact with this issue even furthermore, by commenting, sharing and dialoguing with this very expressive set of recent production in the field of history and historiography of education.


Silva, F. C. C., & Silveira, L. (2019). O ecossistema da Ciência Aberta. Transinformação, v.31, e190001. ]

SciELO. (2021). SciELO Brasil: sustentabilidade operacional e financeira e relevância., 2021. [ Links ]

SciELO. (2022a, 17 de maio). A Ciência Aberta nas Humanidades [Vídeo]. Youtube. [ Links ]

SciELO. (2022b, 18 de maio). A Ciência Aberta nas Humanidades [Vídeo]. Youtube. [ Links ]

Sociedade Brasileira de História da Educação. (2022, 15 de março). Os desafios da Ciência Aberta [Vídeo]. Youtube. [ Links ]

Souza, G., Cordeiro, A. B., Bencostta, M. L., & Nery, A. C. B. (2023). História da educação e materialidades. Revista Brasileira de História da Educação, 23(1), e266. ]

1The project was submitted on September 11, 2022 and the grant agreement was signed on December 21, 2022, with the grant of R$22,568.58. (CNPq Call No. 12/2022 - Editorial Program).

2“movimentos de pesquisadores e pesquisadoras do campo da história da educação e da cultura material escolar, que, nos últimos anos, têm se dedicado a mobilizar fontes” (Freely translated from Brazilian Portuguese).

3“as materialidades educativas e escolares para além das suas nuances e pormenores” (Freely translated from Brazilian Portuguese).

4“escopo das pesquisas e delas derivar análises que ajudem a compreender os fenômenos histórico-culturais” (Freely translated from Brazilian Portuguese).

5Available at

7This editorial is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4) license.

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Carlos Eduardo Vieira

is a Full Professor of History of Education at UFPR, working at PPGE, Research Line History and Historiography of Education. CNPq Productivity Researcher (1C). PhD in History and Philosophy of Education (PUC-SP-1998). He served as Visiting Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (Arg.-2022); Stanford University (USA-2015); University of London, Institute of Education (UK - 2009); University of Cambridge, Faculty of History (UK - 2008). He was President of the Brazilian Society of History of Education - SBHE (2015-2019). Coordinator of the Intellectual History and Education Research Group (GPHIE). Associate Editor of RBHE. E-mail:

Eduardo Lautaro Galak

holds a PhD in Social Sciences (2012) from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Education at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil. He is currently a researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina) as an Adjunct Investigator, institutionally linked to the Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS, UNLP/CONICET) Associate Editor of RBHE. E-mail:

José Gonçalves Gondra

is a Full Professor of History of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Researcher at CNPq and FAPERJ, in the Scientist Program of Our State. Editor-in-Chief of RBHE. E-mail:

Olívia Morais de Medeiros Neta

holds a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). She is a professor at the UFRN Education Center and acts as a professor-advisor at the Graduate Program in Education (UFRN) and at the Graduate Program in Professional Education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). She is a defender of public schools and a member of ANPUH, SBHE and ANPED. Associate Editor of RBHE. E-mail:

Raquel Discini de Campos

is a historian, Associate Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia, where she teaches undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and Social Communication. Permanent professor of the Graduate Programs in Education and Technologies, Communication and Education, affiliated with the Research Line History and Historiography of Education (PPGED) and Communication Technologies and Interfaces (PPGCE). Associate Editor of RBHE. E-mail:

Sergio Luiz de Godoy

has a degree in History from the State University of Maringá (2016). He works with the management and publishing of scientific journals since 2013. Secretary of the Brazilian Journal of History of Education (SBHE). E-mail:

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