Revista de Educação Pública
Print version ISSN 0104-5962On-line version ISSN 2238-2097
TREVISAN, Daniele; MACIEL, Cristiano and BIM, Silvia Amélia. Death, Education and Technologies: a formative experience with Computer Science students. R. Educ. Públ. [online]. 2022, vol.31, e13388. Epub June 29, 2022. ISSN 2238-2097.
In this article we aim to reflect on the formative path of students in the discipline of Special Topics in Software Engineering at a public university, based on a pedagogical proposal that included studies on software engineering for the web based on themes in the domain of postmortem digital legacy. To this end, data were collected through participant observation, document analysis and a virtual questionnaire. In the study, we identified that the experience was positive both for the acquisition of knowledge about software engineering and for reflections on the importance of computer systems for digital legacy management.
Keywords : Education; Death; Digital Legacy; Social Web.