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vol.35 suppl.01Os excluídos da escola: uma contribuição para a discussão da educação rural author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Cadernos de Pesquisa

Print version ISSN 0100-1574


BERTONI, Alicia L. de  and  V. DE CARRANZA, Cristina. Cad. Pesqui. [online]. 1980, vol.35, suppl.01, pp.29-34. ISSN 0100-1574.

The theme success-failure is interpreted (even though it is a phenomenon appearing in the individual considered as an enitity of psychological behavior, as an element within the web of interactions of the individual with his environment. It is anillyzed in two transactional levels: individual- environment and school-environment. The school and the environment provide evaluation instances of great incidence in the processes of identification and preservation of talents or, on the other hand, of their disregard and discouragement. Contents - There are two patterns of social interaction offered: one for each transactional leve, consisting of various elements which interact with each other in different ways depending on whethar they form a part of a stimulative or an inhibitory system of the individual's potential. Of these two patterns, only one of them is analyzed. The patterns of social interaction shown in the diagram permits the analysis of the process generating from self-perception (positive or negative), having an incidence on the affective field and showing its pertinent effects in the normative and institutional field . Methodological Proposals - An exploratory study based on "life histories" and on "analysis of anthropological files" is proposed as a basis for the elaboration of the instruments which purports to evaluate aptitudes such as: creativity, critical thinking, imagination, etc. The data regarding rational judgements and emotional reactions, which these sources provide, illustrate aspects of personality and the resources available to arrive at the gathering of knowledge, the creation of inventions, the trying out of devices to overcome environmental limitations, etc. Purpose - To provide elements for the stimulative system, so that the manifestation and the preservation of talents is facilitated.

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