Educação e Realidade
Print version ISSN 0100-3143
GRANDO, Regina Célia; NACARATO, Adair Mendes and LOPES, Celi Espasandin. Narrativa de aula de uma professora sobre a investigação estatística. Educ. Real. [online]. 2014, vol.39, n.04, pp.985-1002. ISSN 0100-3143.
In this paper we analyze the lesson narrative of a mathematics teacher for the Elementary School. She is a member of a group developing a collaborative research as part of the ‘Educational Observation Project’, aiming to investigate mathematical literacy and the teaching education practices of mathematics teachers. In her narrative, she describes the statistic investigation process developed with a 1st grade group. There is evidence revealing the teacher’s hints of learning related to the children’s statistics literacy, mainly referring to the development of graphical language, as well as evidence of ownership of literacy practices by the teacher.
Keywords : Lesson Narrative; Mathematical Literacy; Statistical Literacy; Teacher Learning.