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 issue17Colégios religiosos femininos e masculinos em Minas Gerais: um mapeamento ainda provisórioO ensino religioso escolar na Itália fascista e no Brasil (1930-45) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação em Revista

Print version ISSN 0102-4698


PEIXOTO, Ana Maria Casasanta. A luta dos católicos pela escola: Minas Gerais, anos 30. Educ. Rev. [online]. 1993, n.17, pp.56-63. ISSN 0102-4698.

This article tries to translate, from quotations in the Catholic press, the reactions of Catholic groups in Minas Gerais concerning the expansion of public (and lay) schools and the spread of the influential ideas of the Escola Nova (New School) within the Brazilian educational scenario.

Keywords : Individual Rights to Education; Obligation to Educate; Religion Teaching; Lay Teaching; Co-education.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )