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Educação em Revista

Print version ISSN 0102-4698


SARMET, Maurício Miranda  and  ABRAHAO, Júlia Issy. O tutor em Educação a Distância: análise ergonômica das interfaces mediadoras. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2007, n.46, pp.109-141. ISSN 0102-4698.

In Distance Learning, the educational process can be mediated by digital systems, often using Internet as access medium. This mediation contributes to the enhancement of the teaching-learning relationship and structures the role of the different actors in it. This study’s goal is investigating the impact of the use of digital tools in tutors’ activities in online courses. The sample was defined by 4 tutors with distinct characteristics. Work Ergonomic Analysis was used, and interviews, interaction analysis and observations were made, which allowed the creation of a chronicle about the tutors’ activities. The results points to the uncertainty and variability of the student's demands and the impact of the digital tools on the activity. The necessity of comprehending the tutor’s role in D.L., giving parameters to the concept of tools that facilitate the work, is discussed.

Keywords : Cognitive Ergonomics; Cognitive Tasks; Distance Learning; Digital Systems; Tutor.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )