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 issue47A escrita de Clio nos temp(l)os da Mnemósime: olhares sobre materiais pedagógicos produzidos pelos museus author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Print version ISSN 0102-4698


SIMAN, Lana Mara de Castro. Memórias sobre a história de uma cidade: a História como labirinto. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2008, n.47, pp.241-270. ISSN 0102-4698.

In this article, it is developed an argumentation concerning the writing of the history of the cities being elaborated through the dialogue between the memory and the History. This argumentation is based on the idea of this kind of writing offer possibilities of learning to lose ourselves inside the memory and the History and to find ourselves again through them, in a labyrinth time. The idea of the labyrinth is inspired in Walter Benjamim (1985,1994) as well in others who work in this theoretical line. It represents a counter-position to the understanding of historical time constructed in modern time. While the latter is linear, empty, homogeneous, the labyrinth time is multiple, non-linear and full of possibilities that are inscribed in the relation between the present and past, besides the present and future. To decode it, it's necessary to learn indicting reading - through signals, signs, ruins, marks, gestures, silences, - left by the human beings' action and reported by their testimonies. It is also supported by Benjamin's concept the idea of the history as a labyrinth being told by the narrator who reports his historical experience. The hybrid writing of history - between the History and the memory -, basis for the development of the mentioned argumentation, is constructed by a research made with oral sources and other historical knowledge and elaborated for a master dissertation defended by the author of the article about the history of Governador Valadares, MG.

Keywords : Indicting Reading; Narrative; Memory; Teaching of History.

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