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vol.27 issue02O complexo da educação em Lukács: uma análise à luz das categorias trabalho e reprodução socialA educação corporal no Paraná através do movimento escoteiro em Guarapuava (1927-1936) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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IARED, Valéria Ghisloti  and  OLIVEIRA, Haydée Torres de. Concepções de educação ambiental e perspectivas pedagógicas de professoras do ensino fundamental. Educ. Rev. [online]. 2011, vol.27, n.02, pp.95-122. ISSN 0102-4698.

Noting that there are a number of concepts and practices in environmental education, the goal of our research was to identify the relationship between different trends in the concept of environmental education (EE) and educational perspective of primary school teachers in São Carlos-SP. For the analysis, we considered three perspectives and three educational concepts of environmental education. We identified the coexistence of several trends in the same discourse and the results show that the school is reflective and reflects the transition of paradigms through which the society is living and hence the production of knowledge in the field of EE. From this observation, our belief is that the institutionalization of environmental education among different people and social sectors can make the challenge of greening a less arduous task for the school.

Keywords : Concept of Environmental Education; School Education; Educational Practice.

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