Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
Print version ISSN 1414-4077
CATANI, Alfrânio Mendes; OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de and DOURADO, Luiz Fernandes. A política de avaliação da educação superior no Brasil em questão. Avaliação (Campinas) [online]. 2001, vol.06, n.04, pp.07-15. ISSN 1414-4077.
This paper presents analytical research results regarding the Brazilian higher education evaluation. The conc1usions are supported by a study about the making of this evaluation system and its various mechanisms that have been implemented since the second half of the 90's. The study concludes that evaluation has been assuming a predominant role in the increase of State control over the Institutions of Higher Education as well as in the implementation of market principles and parameters concerning the restructuring of this educational level.
Keywords : Higher Education; Evaluation; System.