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vol.16 issue02Validade e confiabilidade de instrumento de avaliação da docência sob a ótica dos modelos de equação estruturalAvaliação docente em relação às novas tecnologias para a didática e atenção no ensino superior author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)

Print version ISSN 1414-4077


MARQUES, Erica Ferreira. A utilização da avaliação tipo "teste" on-line como apoio ao ensino presencial: uma abordagem quantitativa sobre a sua contribuição no ensino de ferramentas estatística multivariadas. Avaliação (Campinas) [online]. 2011, vol.16, n.02, pp.403-431. ISSN 1414-4077.

This work aims to show the important role an online assessment test can play as a tool developed to support the presential teaching of multivariate statistical resources to Business Management undergraduate students at FEARP/USP enrolled in Applied Statistics to Business Management II. This study is part of a project named LaVie, a virtual environment of teaching-learning of Statistics, applied and developed to support presential teaching in this field. Based on the importance of an assessment tool, LaVie created content, interaction and "test your knowledge" tools. This assessment tool was developed based on online quizzes having three adaptation levels: basic (I), intermediate (II), and advanced (III) to each module of the discipline. The methodology used for checking the efficiency of this online test tool was based on a quantitative assessment according to the students' (users') opinions. Four assumptions were investigated in this study. Data were collected in two distinct occasions: second semester of 2005, as a pilot project, and second semester of 2006, thus enabling a comparative analysis of the system by the users. This survey was conducted in class where students completed two questionnaires, one before the presential assessment and the other immediately after it. The study shows the importance of this tool as a support to presential teaching and its contribution to the teaching-learning process.

Keywords : Multivariate Statistical Tools; Online Assessment; Quantitative Assessment; LaVie.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )