Educação, Formação e Tecnologias
On-line version ISSN 1646-933X
JORGE, Idalina. Adaptação para a língua portuguesa de um questionário sobre competências e atitudes relativas aos computadores e à Internet: relação, predição e diferença. Educ. Form. Tecnol. [online]. 2011, vol.04, n.01, pp.88-101. ISSN 1646-933X.
This study describes both the grounds and the procedures employed, in order to adapt a computer and Web attitudes survey. The original survey was designed by Liaw (2002), in English. The standard procedures of adapting an existing survey, such as translation, adaptation to the target language and determination of the psychometric qualities, were followed, to determine validity and accuracy issues. The evaluation of skills and attitudes towards computers and the Web is relevant in the selection and training, both of staff and students in distance learning courses and workshops, whose participants need some kind of ICT training. Since the use of computers and the Web in training and educational settings is increasingly common, either designing or adapting a survey that accurately measures both computers and Web attitudes is relevant. The results of the Portuguese version of Liaw’s CWAS (computers and Internet attitude survey) indicate that 1) there are significant differences in attitudes towards computers and the Web related to some demographic variables, but not to all of them, 2) there is a strong correlation between the two scales of attitudes relating to computers and the Web, 3) the experiences with a word processor and with the Web are the predictors of attitudes toward computers and the Web 4) the greater the experience, the more favorable the attitudes, and 5) Liaw´s CWAS proved to be factorially complex, but rather reliable.
Keywords : Computer Attitudes; Computer Skills; Survey; Web Attitudes; Web Skills.