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ETD Educação Temática Digital

On-line version ISSN 1676-2592


FEBRONIO, Maria da Paixão Gois. Initial teachers training for kindergarten: what training is that?. ETD [online]. 2011, vol.12, n.02, pp.151-171. ISSN 1676-2592.

This study aimed to analyze the teachers trainning in the Child education. Guided by the question: “Which was the contribution of the Pedagogy Course for the teachers trainning in the context of Child Education in the perception of students from the seventh and eighth terms in the 2008 and 2009 years?” The main objectives in this research were: To understand the teachers conception, in training process (last term of the Pedagogy Course), have about it; to identify in these perceptions how they feel prepared to start their professional life. Through a qualitative methodology, the study was developed into three different data collecting contexts. Those data were analyzed with a Collective Subject Speech approach. The data analysis showed that: the training for the Child Education is in redefinition process in the Pedagogy Courses; the universities are concerned about improving their curricular proposals constantly. According to the data collected, it is possible to affirm that the contribution of the Pedagogy Course for the teachers training for the Child Education area is partial and restricted, due to the following aspects: weak proposals for the redefinition of their curriculum; badly planned probation periods that make it difficult to articulate theory and practice; and, finally, the lack a definite identity.

Keywords : Training Teachers; Child Education; Theory; Practice; Probation Period.

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