ETD Educação Temática Digital
On-line version ISSN 1676-2592
FILIZOLA, Maria Lucia Secoti and VON SIMSON, Olga Rodrigues de Moraes. Fotografia e pesquisa-ação: uma experiência. ETD [online]. 2011, vol.12, n.02, pp.211-232. ISSN 1676-2592.
This essay aims to introduce the results of the use of Photography and Action-Research in a work carried out at an institute that since its start worked with children and teenagers at social risk. Since 2002 it started working with a group of elderly people of the same community in the southeast of the city of Campinas. The dialogues established during the photograph workshops process determined the definition of the adopted methodology the Action-Research, which has reveale new and interesting characteristics of the social construction of aging.
Keywords : Photography; Action-Research; Aging; Gender.