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Revista e-Curriculum

Print version ISSN 1809-3876On-line version ISSN 1809-3876


GUEDES, Neide Cavalcante  and  ARAUJO, Hilda Mara Lopes. Threads that weave the fabric of curriculum and formation. e-Curriculum [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.3, pp.764-786. ISSN 1809-3876.

This study aims to understand how the relation between the established curriculum and the formation occurs and manifests in the context of supervised training, considering that the Pedagogy Course’s main axis is the formation of teachers for elementary education and for the first years of basic education. We assumed that discuss the curriculum necessarily leads to a reflection about: how the teacher is formed? Based on this formation, how he operationalizes your practice? The empirical field is composed of 25 (twenty five) students of the last period of the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of Piauí, and this total we randomly selected ten (10) students to compose our sample. In methodological perspective, the study was characterized as a qualitative research with the mediation device constituted by a questionnaire with open questions in which students were able to express their anxieties and tensions caused that moment of completion of the initial formation. The results indicate that the reflections brought by students led us to the comprehension that the relation between instituted and instituting curriculum causes conflicts and tensions that can cause dynamic and unique processes of institutionalization considering that, in this perspective, which operates the relation between curriculum and formation.

Keywords : Curriculum; Formation; Pedagogy Course.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )