Revista e-Curriculum
On-line version ISSN 1809-3876
LAPADULA, Maria Florentina; AGUIRRE, Jonathan and PORTA, Luis. Between the prescribed curriculum, the lived and narrated. Knowledge of the teaching experience in initial training from biographical coordinates. e-Curriculum [online]. 2023, vol.21, e59619. Epub June 30, 2023. ISSN 1809-3876.
The latest curricular design for the initial training of primary education teachers in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) is implemented from 2008. This article seeks to present how the document prescribed by the educational authorities has been redefined and contextualized. by the teachers of Higher Institutes of Teacher Training. For this, it is intended to recover the knowledge of the experience that the teachers of the field of practice share in the classroom micro-territories with the student teachers. The research assumes an interpretive, qualitative and microsocial epistemic-methodological approach. The various stages and instruments to be used will be interwoven from the biographical-narrative approach.
Keywords : curriculum; teacher training; biographical-narrative research.