Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
ASSIS, Elisa Maria de and CRUZ, Vilma Aparecida Gimenes da. Material didático em EAD: a importância da cooperação e colaboração na construção do conhecimento. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.24, pp.103-114. ISSN 1981-0431.
The article deals with the importance of the development of cooperative and collaborative activities, planned in didactic the material, with competent teaching pedagogical mediation and accounts for the experience of a group of students located in different Brazilian cities, in the elaboration of a cooperative group work, for the production of didactic material, carried out in the course of Production of Didactic Materials offered by the Master Degree in Technologies of Information and Communication in the Formation in Distance Education by Unopar and the Federal University of Ceará. The intense use of the Internet and the Technologies of Information and Communication - TIC, are making possible that the collaborative and cooperative learning be contemplated more constantly in the educational process, thus offering a safer and friendlier support for the development of activities where pupils and professors cooperate, without limitations of time and geographical distances.
Keywords : Cooperation; Mediation; Teaching Material; Distance Education.