Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
COELHO, Ildeu Moreira. A gênese da docência universitária. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.26, pp.05-24. ISSN 1981-0431.
This article discusses the constitution of teaching in the Latin middle age, inseparable from the socioeconomic and political transformations, from the transference of Greco-Arabic knowledge, the scholar and cultural revivals, the work of translators and copyist monks and from the intrinsic connection among research, formation and teaching in the recently created university. By recovering etymology and pronunciation of terms, the author discusses the Scholasticism, philosophy and teaching method whereby teaching affirms itself on the act of reading, explaining and commenting on texts, submitting concepts, arguments and theses to the scrutiny of reason, and bringing up questions for public discussions, in which truth does not depend upon the authority of someone, but on what was said. Rediscovered and translated, Aristotle´s works arise like a threat to some masters, but also to others, like everything that they might need to practice their profession: a logical text, deeply formative. Thus, the medieval university and its masters can help us to rethink and recreate teaching today.
Keywords : Teaching; Copyists; Translators; Transference of Knowledge; Authority; Reason.