Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
SUBTIL, Maria José Dozza. Reflexões sobre arte e indústria cultural. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.27, pp.283-299. ISSN 1981-0431.
This paper discusses the relationship between art (especially music) and cultural industry, taking into consideration the contradictions inherent to this idea pointed out by the Frankfurtian authors. Understanding the cultural field in which musical objects are situated as a space of relationships and struggles for symbolic power, the erudite, popular and mass cultures are discussed. The hybridism of these concepts is emphasized considering the imperatives of the capitalist consumer society. The paper also presents historical aspects related to the production, circulation and artistic consumption enhancing the new possibilities of fruition by the technical reproducibility of the aesthetical objects. Finally, it presents a reflection on the necessary relationship between fruition, consumption and formation from the Adornian point of view which considers the substitution of the instrumental dimension of reason by the emancipatory dimension as a condition for des-alienation.
Keywords : Art; Cultural Industry; History of Aesthetical Production; Formation.