Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
FELDFEBER, Myriam. Nuevas y viejas formas de regulación del sistema educativo en Argentina. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.28, pp.25-43. ISSN 1981-0431.
In this essay, we analyze the policies geared to regulate the educational system on the base of the transference of educational services to sub-national states and the redefinition of the historical role that the National State has taken on with regards to educational matters. We sustain that the policies stimulated by the National State have been oriented to respond to the crisis of the model of traditional burocratic regulation and have garanteed the governability of the system through the introduction of new technologies of management and the developement of compensatory policies for the reduction of poverty. These policies have been proposed as the only alternative of viable political construction to set the foundation of the government of education on new bases.
Keywords : Educational Reform; Educational Policies; Regulation; Government.