Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
SILVA, Luís Gustavo Alexandre da. Cultura e instituição escolar: os processos de dominação e a organização, a gestão e as práticas docentes. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.29, pp.307-326. ISSN 1981-0431.
This paper analyzes the interference of cultural dimensions with inner dynamics of schools, its implications on the process of organization, management and the effectiveness of teacher work. Hierarchy, personal relationships, political favoritism, religious moralism are the main conceptual references used to demonstrate the established intersections between bureaucratic, political and religious power inside a school institution as well as to offer evidence of the symbolic articulation performed by the political field, able to transform this set of cultural elements in meaningful domination processes within the scope of the school. The study of a collective case of ethnographical nature, carried out in two public schools in Morrinhos, State of Goiás, Brazil, was the adequate strategy to identify how the actions developed in school institutions are permeated by cultural tradition and articulated by the political field, the main responsible agents for the definition of types of power relationships and behaviors of school agents.
Keywords : Culture; Domination; Schooling Institution.