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vol.16 issue30Uma leitura crítica das pesquisas sobre a relação entre trabalho e educaçãoLa formación profesional y el trabajo decente y productivo: la acción del Cinterfor (OIT) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Linhas Críticas

On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


SILVA, Ronalda Barreto  and  AZEVEDO, Alessandra Bandeira Antunes. Formação do trabalhador solidário: emancipação ou legitimação da exploração?. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.30, pp.149-166. ISSN 1981-0431.

This article aims at a reflection on the training for work and citizenship of segments of the population which find themselves in a situation of social vulnerability in face of the transformations in the workplace and the increase in lay-offs. The purpose is to discuss the training given as an organizational alternative of the workers which emphasizes life preservation and citizenship: Solidarity Economy. The main issue is the possibility of emancipation of the worker or the legitimization of exploitation for political peace-making. Based on the understanding that the dialectic of reproduction/transformation must permeate the analyses, the fight for the elaboration of public policies and other training initiatives, production and commercialization pertinent to the sector.

Keywords : Work; Self-Management; Emancipation; Solidarity Economy.

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