Linhas Críticas
On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
SALES, Celecina and ROCHA, Francisca Helena. Jovens em acolhimento institucional prolongado: entre a vida governada e a liberdade. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2013, vol.19, n.39, pp.307-329. ISSN 1981-0431.
This study problematizes the state of life in which are the subjects under social protection. Under the perspective of biopolitics, this research was conducted in an institutional host entity in Fortaleza-Ce, with young people between 17 and 20 years of age and with a prolonged experience of institutionalization. The practice of institutional care engenders conditions of inclusion / exclusion that allow young people to overcome the institutional experience and limitations. This confirms the biopolitical tenor of the knowledge and practices experienced by the young people welcomed - subjectivities marked by institutional subjection and by difficulty in the exercise of freedom.
Keywords : Youth; Biopolitics; Institutional Shelter.