Linhas Críticas
Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
LEON, Adriana Duarte. Journal Estrella do Sul as an intervention strategy in the educational debate in the first part of the decade of 1930. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.50, pp.88-110. ISSN 1981-0431.
This paper aims to analyze how the catholic journal Estrella do Sul participated in the educational debate in the first half of the decade of 1930, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul; this printed was a weekly publication, linked to the center Boa Imprensa literally "good press"; it circulated broadly in the central region of the state, four pages format, few images, short texts and ads. We have analyzed the contents of the printed as an indicator of the actions established in the educational space and we have realized that the printed was accomplished as a strategy of action stablished by the Catholic Church in order to expand its social intervention, acting as priority in defense of religious education as option in public schools.
Keywords : Catholic Printed; Strategy; Educational Debate; Religious Education.