Linhas Críticas
Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431
PULINO, Lúcia Helena Cavastin. Narratives, childhood and education: reflections and perspectives. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.51, pp.412-427. ISSN 1981-0431.
This paper, inspired by Walter Benjamin's poetic-philosophical text, proposes a critical treatment of narratives on children and education, in a broad sense, involving forms of relations in educational contexts, expressed by words, practices and affections. Through philosophical reflections related to theoretical and methodological perspectives in the fields of human development and education, the formation of childhood educators is problematized. Proposals for formation are criticized for being based on prescriptive narratives of how human should be which do not cover their complexity and individuality and do not accept difference as a possibility of the human and not as a deviation from normality. From this critique, it is sought to draw up a theoretical-methodological proposal that can overcome the contradictions pointed out and that is defined from a narrative open to new possibilities of relations, to conflict, to disagreement, to the diversity of human experience. Finally, it is proposed a methodology of research and intervention that can give space to a narrative gestated in "places of childhood", marked by the question, by ignorance, by the encounter with the other, especially with the childhood.
Keywords : Narratives; Education; Childhood; Methodology.