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Linhas Críticas

Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


ZABALZA BERAZA, Miguel A.  and  ZABALZA CERDEIRINA, María Ainhoa. Coreografías didácticas institucionales y calidad de la enseñanza. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2019, vol.25, e24586.  Epub July 10, 2019. ISSN 1981-0431.

Teaching is "the intentional arrangement of situations in which appropriate learning will occur" (Menges, 1997). Based on this principle, many of the views and practices in education have changed the focus, shifting the role of what the teacher said or did to what students do in learning environments, specially prepared to enrich their experience and guide their learning. Choreographies, a metaphor taken from the world of dance (Oser and Baeriswyl, 2001), are part of these new perspectives on teaching. With a simple architecture, the choreographies contain 4 basic components: anticipation, external choreography, internal choreography and product. This article tries to situate the concept of choreography in the context of these new perspectives on university teaching and focuses, above all, on institutional choreography. An analysis model of institutional choreography based on 9 variables is presented: first, the three basic elements of all teaching (teacher, student, content); secondly, others linked to the characteristics of internal organization of the three basic elements of teaching mentioned (relations between teachers, relations between students, relationships between contents); and, finally, three other variables related to the relationship of each of these elements with the other two: relationships between teachers and students; relationships between students and content; relationships between teachers and content.

Keywords : Choreography of Teaching; Learning environments; Higher education; University teaching; Teaching-Learning Processes.

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