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vol.13Educational Evaluation and School LearningReview studies on academic production in educational policies (2000-2010) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Jornal de Políticas Educacionais

On-line version ISSN 1981-1969


SOARES, Alexandre Gomes. Mapping of theses and dissertations on gender, sexual diversity and initial teacher education in Brazil. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2019, vol.13, pp.-.  Epub May 06, 2024. ISSN 1981-1969.

In this article I seek to examine the scientific production on teacher education, especially the Pedagogy course and the approach to gender, sexuality and sexual diversity in initial formation. The type of research used was of a bibliographical and documentary nature with the perspective of mapping the literature on the subject, whose sources permeated theses and dissertations of the Database of the Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and research reports. The methodological treatment of the sources of research was effected through a critical analysis of the scientific and documentary productions. The results show that most theses and dissertations focus on the professional identity and the various aspects that permeate the perception of the teaching identity; the second group of research studies focused on the insertion of the theme of gender and sexuality in the curricular matrices of the Pedagogy course in Public Institutions of Higher Education; in the third axis of researches are centered in analyzes of the discourses of the students of the course of Pedagogy and the approach of the subject of the relations of gender and sexuality.

Keywords : Gender and sexual diversity; Initial formation; Educational politics.

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