Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
On-line version ISSN 1981-1969
COSTA FILHO, José Vinicius da; COSTA, José Vinicius da; GONCALVES-COSTA, Lyssa and OLIVEIRA, Ângela Santana de. PROEJA evasion: the IFMT case - Campus Cuiabá. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2021, vol.15, e80942. Epub Dec 01, 2021. ISSN 1981-1969.
This article analyzes the evasion of PROEJA in the period of its offer at the IFMT - Campus Cuiabá (2007 a 2014). The methodology combines descriptive statistics and semi-structured interviews with managers, teachers and dropout students. The main discoveries: 1) the quantitative data collected at the institution point to an evasion of 77% with less access and permanence of women, in addition, the greatest general abandonment occurs until the third semester; 2) semi-structured interviews reveal an evasion caused by factors of work/employment, personal issues and unlevelling of the students, insufficient training and lack of commitment by some teachers, unpreparedness and inadequate structure of the institution, program implementers are unaware of the legal basis, low-paid internships, two strikes.
Keywords : PROEJA; Evasion; Public Politics.