Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
On-line version ISSN 1981-1969
COSTA, Anderson Gonçalves and VIDAL, Eloisa Maia. Uses and purposes of Ideb in the municipalities of Northeast from the Saeb contextual questionnaire (2019). J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2022, vol.16, e87771. Epub May 30, 2023. ISSN 1981-1969.
The paper analyzes the uses and purposes of Ideb in the municipalities of the Northeast region based on the responses of 1,743 municipal education secretaries who responded to the questionnaire applied in the context of Saeb in 2019. We aimed to observe whether Ideb reoriented evaluation practices and contributed to the establishment of educational accountability policies in municipal networks in the region. With a quantitative nature and descriptive approach, the answers were analyzed with a focus on pedagogical and political uses of Ideb, these in association with educational accountability policies. The strengthening of a evaluation culture at the municipal level was observed, with forms of use shared by the vast majority of municipalities; greater focus on monitoring schools and setting performance targets; and less focus on strong accountability strategies, with material impact on schools and education professionals.
Keywords : Ideb; Educational accountability; Evaluation culture; Northeast.