Revista Diálogo Educacional
Print version ISSN 1518-3483On-line version ISSN 1981-416X
FAGALI, Eloisa Quadros. A relação afetiva na situação de aprendizagem: diferentes significados e formas de atuações. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2007, vol.07, n.20, pp.51-64. ISSN 1981-416X.
This article aims to provide elements for psychopedagogical reflections related to the connections between the affective relations and the cognitive process in the learning context. Qualitative, participating nature researches and the psychopedagogical projects have been made in different contexts in Brazil. These studies focuse on the influence on the cultural context, myths and different types of learners concerning the values and meanings that these learners attribute to the affective relations in the learning context. The experiments show that both the positive and negative affective relations among the professionals, learners and the object of knowledge are responsible for the changes in the learning and teaching processes. This paper focuses on how important it is to consider the different dimensions of affection on the multiple ways the learner/individual acts as a teacher or a carer next to his/her workmates and the learners in different cycles of life: children, adolescent and adult.
Keywords : Connection; Affection-Cognition-Learning; Typology; Cultural Contexts; Myths.