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vol.08 issue25Ensino de matemática e matemática moderna em congressos no Brasil e no mundoA questão agrária e a formação do educador do campo no século XXI: as contribuições da Pedagogia da Terra author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Diálogo Educacional

Print version ISSN 1518-3483On-line version ISSN 1981-416X


PINTO, Neuza Bertoni  and  NOVAES, Bárbara Winiarski Diesel. A apropriação da matemática moderna na Escola Técnica Federal do Paraná nas décadas de 60 e 70. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2008, vol.08, n.25, pp.745-762. ISSN 1981-416X.

The subject of this text is the appropriation of the New Math on the Federal Technical School of Paraná (in Portuguese - ETFPR) in 1960 and 1970 decades, which was the top period of dissemination of the New Math Movement (NMM). The NMM main objective was to adequate the scholar mathematics to the new challenges imposed by scientific and technologic development. From a historical perspective, founded by Certeau (1982), Chartier (1990) and Julia( 2001), the study composed its sources from scholar documents, located on ETFPR files, beyond normative documents, like the Information Bulletins of the Industrial Apprentice Brazilian-American Commission (CBAI in Portuguese), which provided directions to the technical teaching on Brazil. The study concludes that despite of the accord with the Paraná’s State Gymnasium (in Portuguese - CEP) and the participation in the Nucleus of Dissemination of the Teaching of Mathematics (in Portuguese - NEDEM), which was the group that leaded and guided the NMM on Paraná, the ETFPR did not prioritized, in its Course Plans, the teaching of the New Math. There were few traces of the appropriation of the NMM modernizing ideas among the analyzed documents and this was confirmed by interviews with former teachers and students of ETFPR. On NMM’s peak, the scholar culture of ETFPR was marked, in a meaningful way, by teacher initiatives directed to the elaboration of didactic material suited to the technical courses which were, in that moment, engaged in approaching the scholar mathematics to the technical culture, transforming it in a useful tool for the urgent need of forming the necessary work force to the industrial and technological development of the country.

Keywords : Federal Technical School of Paraná; New Math; Scholar Culture.

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