Revista Diálogo Educacional
Print version ISSN 1518-3483On-line version ISSN 1981-416X
CUPOLILLO, Amparo Villa. Complexity and Physical Education. To think about corporeality. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2023, vol.23, n.78, pp.1261-1276. Epub Oct 04, 2023. ISSN 1981-416X.
This work aims to bring into dialogue two areas historically placed in opposition: knowledge and body. The purpose is to enable other forms of intervention at school and in teacher education that value the different human dimensions through which knowledge is expressed, especially the one enunciated through corporeality. Based on the epistemology of complexity and immersed in studies of everyday life, the discussion moves away from the notion of subject conferred by modernity, which disregards the complexity of formation and genetic and cultural articulation in the constitution of the human being. Anchored in the work of authors who understand the human being as a ´subject-body´ or a ´mind-incorporated´ seeks to offer subsidies that promote a disorder in the impermeable conception of knowledge with which the school has been working, allowing a greater understanding of the complexity of what is proper to the human being. The research suggests that welcoming the different and varied forms of expression of knowledge that are enunciated, especially, through corporeality, can mean for Physical Education and school an important step in traying to overcome the disciplinary and controlling model in the body, tract allowing the opening of borders that give way to the dialogue between the different fields of knowledge the intersect in the school daily, making the school more powerful and able to recognize different forms of expression of knowledge and ways of being in the world.
Keywords : Complexity; Subject bodies; School life daily; Knowledge..