Educação: Teoria e Prática
On-line version ISSN 1981-8106
SILVA, Gabriella Pizzolante da; SOUZA, Carolina Rodrigues de and FAGIONATO-RUFFINO, Sandra. CHILDREN, NATURE AND PHOTOGRAPHY: AN EXPERIENCE IN CERRADO. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.61, pp.440-460. Epub Dec 18, 2019. ISSN 1981-8106.
This work aimed to analyze the relationship of children with nature from images obtained by technological instruments and the narratives constructed by these tools. The main intention is to reveal possible perspectives and relationships of these children with the situation they were invited to experience. The methodology is centered on the idea of children as subjects of rights, values the authorship and the children's logic. Initially three moments of relation of the children with the photography was combined: the taking of images in a trail into Cerrado; the analysis of these images and their categorization. Subsequently, the drawings produced by the children was also analyzed, aiming to identify their vision about the visit to the Cerrado. The diversity of children's views on nature and their relation with it was verified. The images portray well the Cerrado and its elements, in different angles, distances, frames, focuses, purposes and senses; the children put themselves in the pictures and drawings and shared, as in a game of negotiation and power, the authorship of some photographs.
Keywords : Children; Nature; Photography.