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Revista Eletrônica de Educação

On-line version ISSN 1982-7199

Rev. Elet. Educ. vol.13 no.2 São Carlos May/Aug 2019  Epub Jan 01, 2020 

A Revista

Letter to the Reader

João dos Reis da Silva Júnior II  

IIUniversidade Federal de São Carlos - São Carlos, SP, Brasil

We present 2019’s second issue of the Electronic Journal of Education (REVEDUC) in a gloomy context in the country of an ideological attack on the republican institutions. Democracy is threatened in most European countries, in the United States, in almost all of Latin America except Uruguay. The culture of fear is now a palpable reality, and violence is escalating in a fashion not seen in Brazil’s recent history. Information is always doubtful in a country where all forms of media have a predominant immaterial nature, and are an instrument for manipulating the constitution of Brazilian citizens’ mode of thinking. Education and knowledge have become commodities. Books, magazine articles have put the socialization of knowledge in the background, while copyright has taken over. The sociability produced and reproduced in educational institutions and the Brazilian society indicates a kidnapping of the subjectivity of the citizen and educational institutions are under censor and violent attack. In this sad picture, this paper presents an illuminating contribution on the evil that afflicts us. This is the dossier Education, Culture and Subjectivity, organized by professors Nilson Fernandes Dinis and Alan Victor Pimenta de Almeida Pales Costa. The dossier published here commemorates a decade of the line of research that lends its name to the set of texts, and shows respect for the epistemological diversity that identifies its researchers. The organizers present their production as follows.

“Opening the dossier is the article by Sandra Riscal, a line researcher, who uses Max Weber’s concepts to discuss the role of professional duty in the constitution of modern subjectivity. In the following article, the line researchers Antonio Zuin and Luiz Roberto Gomes discuss the Media Age in which the omnipresence of the screens of digital technologies acts in the reconfiguration of subjectivity and in the redefinition of public and private spaces. Alessandro Garcia Paulino, Alan Victor Pimenta and Nilson Dinis, also researchers of the line, propose to discuss the possibilities of an Image Pedagogy by crossing the processes of cinematographic assembly, as well as the manner of addressing and the reception by the viewer. In the following article: “Roaming in the night: meetings between philosophy, education and music, to the ‘sound’ of Derrida and Debussy”, Andréia Marin, an invited external researcher from the Federal University of the Triângulo Mineiro and Marcos Câmara de Castro from the University of São Paulo, cross intersections between philosophy, education and music to discuss the weakening of representational policies in the processes of subjectivation and otherness. Ana Godinho, a researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in her article “The contradiction that cannot be told”, retakes the concept of “double bind” to think about the relationship between education, knowledge and politics in the current context of the acceleration of information and knowledge processes and the impasses of incommunicability. Returning to the researchers of the line, Maria Cecília Luiz, Flávio Caetano da Silva and Clarissa Galvão Bengtson use the discourse analysis methodology, from a Foucaultian perspective, to analyze (...) through a significant sample the knowledge production of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of UFSCar from 2017 to 2018. Andrea Braga Moruzzi, also a line researcher, seeks similarly in the Foucaultian referential support to think about the processes of pedagogization of the child’s gender, understanding childhood as a historical device of power relations. Childhood and the Foucaultian referential are also included in the article “Childhood and Ethnic-Racial Relations: A Matter of Know-Power”, authored by researchers from the State University of Southwest of Bahia: Edmacy Quirina de Souza and Reginaldo Santos Pereira. In the article they discuss childhood and racism in the educational spaces and the challenges of an antiracist pedagogy. In the following article, “Curricular Challenges in Higher Education: Contributions of the Abdias Nascimento Program”, researchers Ana Cristina Juvenal da Cruz, Tatiane Cosentino Rodrigues, Denise Cruz and Ivanilda Amado Cardoso present results from the first phase of the project “Knowledge, research and curricular innovations in teacher training for ethnic-racial diversity in higher education: questions and contributions of the ethnic-racial and cultural matrices of African and Afro-descendant knowledge” of NEAB/UFSCar. At the end of the dossier is the article “Los conceptos epistemológicos de la Educación Inclusiva y la emergencia de un terreno: discusiones y reflexiones para un espacio político y educativo atento a la multiplicidad”, by the invited external researcher Aldo Ocampo González (director of CELEI-Chile).”

The solar clarity of the dossier is accompanied by articles that have been submitted for publication in this journal.

The article The degendering of work in the new configurations of capitalism: implications to think teaching work by Renata Porcher Scherer seeks to understand the main implications of the metamorphoses in the world of work in the transition from a Fordist paradigm to a post-Fordist one, to the professionalization of the teaching work. It is followed by the article Evasion in higher education of a Federal Institute of the Brazilian northeast by Lenin Cavalcanti Brito Guerra, Rita Maria Correia Ferraz, Jássio Pereira de Medeiros. In it, the authors seek to analyze the factors that contribute to the evasion in the Higher Education Course in Technology in Public Management of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of northeastern Brazil. It is an exploratory-descriptive research, whose organized data indicate the condition of the students of the institutes.

Authors Sabrina Pereira Soares Basso and Luciana Maria Lunardi Campos sign the article Teaching License in Sciences and Inclusive Education: the vision of the graduates in which they seek to present and discuss the students’ perception about their initial formation in the state universities of São Paulo. The researcher Wânia Maria Guimarães Lacerda is the author of the article Students from working classes and their affiliation to the public university, having as author-universe Bourdieu, the objective sought consists in the interpretation of the principles that engender the daily practices of the undergraduate students and those of the studied schools, as well as the incorporation and/or updating of provisions favorable to the constitution of quality academic courses.

William de Goes Ribeiro, Clarissa Bastos Craveiro and Adriano Vargas Freitas are the authors of the text Curricular theorization and teacher training: a bet on research groups, in which the authors seek to highlight the relevance of curricular theorization to think about teacher training processes and the senses in a dispute that takes place before the policies of official political and cultural regulation. That’s followed by the article Teachers in face of the demands of families: approaching contexts, of collective authorship by Adriana Wagner, María del Luján Tornaría González, Lisiane Alvim Saraiva Junges and Esthella Hernández, who seek to discuss the possible change in the role of teachers in the face of demands and responsibilities of students and their families. The article by Danielle Abdel Massih Pio, Silvia Cristina Mangini Bocchi, Camila Mugnai Vieira and Mara Quaglio Chirelli, entitled The reciprocity in teacher-student relationships in a medical course with active methods aims to understand the experiential process of medical teachers with the professional formation of the medical student of a medicine course of a Faculty in the countryside of São Paulo, as well as the elaboration of a theoretical model representative of this process.

The research field on curriculum returns in another article named Interactive Methodologies to facilitate the integration of the Human Semiology Curricular Unit produced by Maria Cristina de Andrade, Cristina Mangia, Elena Barragán, Roseani Diniz, Maria Wany Lousada Strufaldi and Regina Helena Petroni Mennin, whose goal is to produce strategies for the integration of the human semiology curriculum unit (medical clinic, pediatrics, diagnostic imaging, psychology and health informatics) through the implementation of interactive methodologies and the evaluation of students’ perception of the module of human semiology. The following article has the same theme. Conceptions of integral school and interdisciplinary curriculum by Harryson Júnior Lessa Gonçalves, Bianca Rafaela Boni and Ana Clédina Rodrigues Gomes, in which the authors aim to characterize the implementation of a proposal of a full day school and its interface with interdisciplinarity based on the analysis of the praxis of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in the context of a public school in São Paulo.

The work Criança Feliz Program and the constitutional amendment proposal (PEC) for the ceiling of public spending: once there was a right…, authored by Eliane Fernandes Neris and Adriana Missae Momma intends to produce a reflection about the reduction of the role of the State in the public sphere through the analysis of the Criança Feliz (Happy Child) Program, as well as about the approval of a proposal for a constitutional amendment (PEC 55/2016 for the ceiling of public expenditure - CE 95 now), which foresees the freezing of primary expenditures of the Federal Government and, in this sense, cuts in prominent social policies, especially actions following the impeachment suffered by President Dilma Rousseff (08/31/2016), Brazil.

José Paulo Gatti writes the article Reading, writing and literature: multidisciplinary analysis of the insertion into culture in which he seeks to articulate the ideas defended by thinkers in the areas of linguistics, philosophy, and literature, with regard to the social process of individuation - integration of the subjects to the culture -, considering the contradictions of this process within the contemporary social model.

Priscila Bernardo Martins and Edda Curi sign the article Supervised Curricular Internship: a historical retrospective on the Brazilian legislation whose objective is to study the historical course of the legislations that organize the Supervised Internship. It is a documentary research in which decrees, laws, ordinances and directives that regulate the internships were analyzed. It’s followed by the work Weaving with writings by pedagogues to be: some trails from path burners, authored by Alice Copetti Dalmaso and Marilda Oliveira de Oliveira who report an experience of reading and writing carried out in their current formative academic course, in the spaces and times in which can be captured signs, affections and thoughts.

Maria de Fátima Duarte Martins, Tânia Maria Araújo, Jarbas Santos Vieira and Janaina Barela Meireles sign the text Early childhood education and teacher health: studies that approach the theme; in it the authors seek to present studies that address the relation between the work of children teachers and their health.

The reports of experience present relevant observations that contribute to the understanding of the institutional relations in the school. The first one entitled Writing practice in the formative process: the creation of a researcher by Liliane Silva de Antiqueira, Celiane Costa Machado and Cleiva Aguiar de Lima aims to report an experience based on a writing practice called Reporting, experienced in the subject Professional Education: Contemporary Challenges of the Postgraduate Program in Education in Science of the Federal University of Rio Grande. The second one, whose title is Thermal Ceiling/Roof Project: a documentary involving interdisciplinarity in a public school, signed by Ricardo Scucuglia Rodrigues da Silva, reports the production of the educational documentary titled Thermic Ceiling Project, which addresses an interdisciplinary work developed in a public state school in the city of São José do Rio Preto-SP.

This issue of the journal ends the good essay Educational evaluation approaches: the constitution of the theoretical field in the international scenario written by the researchers of the thematic field Regilson Maciel Borges and José Carlos Rothen. In the essay the authors present a theoretical review of the main evaluation approaches that marked the trajectory of educational evaluation in the international scenario. It is a bibliographical research that, referenced in the evaluation literature, seeks to study the various dimensions and the different meanings that have historically constituted the field of educational evaluation.

Have a good reading.


SILVA JUNIOR, J. dos R. da Carta ao Leitor. Revista Eletrônica de Educação. v.13 n.2, p. 361-364. São Carlos, SP: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2019. Disponível em: Links ]

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