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Revista Eletrônica de Educação

On-line version ISSN 1982-7199


ANTIQUEIRA, Liliane Silva de; MACHADO, Celiane Costa  and  LIMA, Cleiva Aguiar de. Writing practice in the formative process: the constitution of a researcher. Rev. Elet. Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.13, n.2, pp.726-735.  Epub Jan 01, 2020. ISSN 1982-7199.

This work has as its goal presenting an experience from a writing practice called rapporteur, experienced through the subject entitled Professional Education: Contemporary Challenges of the Post-Graduation Program in Science Education in the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG (Brazil). It deals with the constitution of a researcher in an environment full of dialogue, reading and critical analysis of texts, articulated with many writings and group discussions. In order to comprehend this experience, theoretical contributions are used; their ideas go towards the importance of writing when it comes to the constitution of the ongoing formation of the person. The subject proposal was based on the writing of three individual texts based on the critical analysis of three articles, on a group text related to an article about professional education, as well as on the reading and critical analysis of at least one text from a colleague, according to criteria related to form and content, totaling five writings. From this experience, it can be said that being a researcher is searching for information regarding a problem, a topic, a concern, besides the necessity of expressing oneself through writing and reflecting critically about the discussed topics. It was a group practice that required constant dialogues established with the authors, the colleagues and the teacher, adding the learning about how to analyze an article meticulously, from the investigation about who is the author, their formation, to structural aspects of the text. The activities were considered as something very pleasurable, beyond evaluations or obligations, used as inspiration for reflections, other readings and writings.

Keywords : Researcher; Writing; Formation.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )