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On-line version ISSN 2175-8042


SURDI, Aguinaldo Cesar; RODRIGUES, Wanessa Cristina Maranhão de Freitas; FREIRE, Erika Janaina Santiago Moreira  and  KUNZ, Elenor. Education and sensitivity: the and play "moving" the child in school. Rev. Motriviv. [online]. 2019, vol.31, n.59, e58318.  Epub Dec 03, 2019. ISSN 2175-8042.

Thus, this study had as main objective to investigate about the ways as the play and the move yourself are proposed in the school environment and how they contribute for the sensibility education to the child. First, it was developed a theorical research about the subjets and the fundamental authors, that suply the base for the second part of the study. This other step was an empirical study that involved two municipal schools from the city of Capinzal, SC; one located in the countryside and the other one downtown. It was chosen a class of chuildren from 4 to 6 years old in each school, that totaling 40 children. Therefore, in the investigated schools, the stimulus to situations construction that enable the sensibility development receives little importance, what commits meaningly the sensibility education of these children and limits the creation’ power.

Keywords : Play and move yourself; Sensibility; Children; School.

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