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TRIANI, Felipe da Silva. The Theory of Social Representations in studies on the training of Physical Education teachers: mapping the production of knowledge in Brazilian journals. Rev. Motriviv. [online]. 2021, vol.33, n.64, e75977.  Epub July 30, 2021. ISSN 2175-8042.

The objective of the manuscript is to contribute to the discussions about the training of physical education teachers from the point of view of the Theory of Social Representations, identifying how the theory has been disseminated in the main periodic productions in the area. To this end, it presents a survey based on the main journals in the area of Physical Education / Sport Sciences. The results reveal that 12 studies were published between 2002 and 2020, and it was observed that the productions on social representations of teacher education in physical education have appropriated different references, approaches and methods that make up the theoretical framework of the social representations paradigm. The manuscript suggests that the Theory of Social Representations is widespread in periodic productions in the area.

Keywords : Social representation; Teacher training; Scientific production.

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