Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos
On-line version ISSN 2176-6681
RABELO, Amanda Oliveira. Os professores do sexo masculino no ensino “primário”: um “corpo estranho” no quotidiano das escolas públicas do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e de Aveiro (Portugal). R. Bras. Est. Pedag. [online]. 2009, vol.90, n.226, pp.636-649. ISSN 2176-6681.
This paper presents a comparative study about male teachers who work in the elementary public schools in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and in Aveiro (Portugal). We intended, basically, to investigate the reasons and consequences of the professional choice of these teachers enrolled in an area which is typically regarded as woman’s job; an association so strong that these teachers seem a “foreign body” in the daily lives of “primary” public schools. We demonstrate that the presence of male teachers teaching at “primary education” is a way of discussing gender issues in education. Also it shows that there are other issues and voices in the schools, as to say, there are individuals able to work in a profession regardless the gender.
Keywords : Gender; Professional Choice; Teacher Training.