Revista Práxis Educacional
On-line version ISSN 2178-2679
SCHLEMMER, Eliane; OLIVEIRA, Lisiane Cézar and MENEZES, Janaina. THE TEACHING AND LEARNING DWELLING IN PANDEMIC TIMES AND THE VIRTUALITY OF AN OnLIFE EDUCATION. Práx. Educ. [online]. 2021, vol.17, n.45, pp.137-161. Epub May 03, 2022. ISSN 2178-2679.
The article presents qualitative research that appropriates the cartographic method of intervention-research to understand the traces present in the educational contexts ( K-12, Higher and Postgraduate Education), in pandemic times. It problematizes the teaching and learning dwelling in the constitution of knowledge and development networks that articulate, from research, education at different levels. The objective is to identify clues that make it possible to cocreate an OnLIFE Education proposal, from an ecosystem perspective. We understand the concept of the network as the connective movement that forms the social, which is composed of different biological, physical and digital entities (human and non-human), which through connective acts weave this network. Thus, it is never completely clear who is acting.The connective act occurs in the operational encounter and this can take place both in geographic space, as in digital, synchronously or asynchronously, by plural presences, in hybridities, where intelligent ecologies operate (human and non-human intelligences) in network. This understanding brings the overcoming of a dualistic theory of action, sometimes content/teacher/student-centered. The network is then what emerges from the trans organic connective acts, product of the agency between human and non-human actors, who act mutually, connecting diverse intelligences, thus promoting transubstantiation. That contributes to overcoming an anthropocentric, subject-centric and technocentric worldview. As a result, we present some clues that allow updating the virtuality of a transubstantiated OnLIFE Education, as an ecosystem of innovation in education.
Keywords : Ecosystem; OnLIFE Education; pandemic.