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Conjectura: Filosofia e Educação

Print version ISSN 0103-1457On-line version ISSN 2178-4612


NASCIMENTO, Antônio José. Science that “does not think” and the challenging-forth of nature in Heidegger. Conjectura: filos. e Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.27, e022012.  Epub Mar 10, 2024. ISSN 2178-4612.

This article aims to examine the character of the theory of the real of science which, because it does not correspond exactly to a thinking for Heidegger, apprehends nature as something external to man, as a mere processable material reserve based on the plot of the mathematical framework that objectifies it in the service of technique. Therefore, denied, in its intrinsic value, the nature that modern science submits to objectifying representation is the one that is prepared for the essence of metaphysics in the unconditioned of technological exploration. Differently, however, from the current understanding, the mastery of nature with a view to the effectiveness of ensuring availability is not something that emanates from the sovereign will of the subject in dealing with artifacts and work processes, but from a machination - It will be seen here - whose essence rests in the ontotechnical way to manifest the being, or the entity of the entities, within the nihilistic productivism of metaphysics that made science an operative force of the calculism of technique. To a large extent, it was under the auspices of the modernity project that the idea that the technique was something whose control man held, as an instrument derived from scientific application, was consolidated. For this purpose, the paradigm of technoscientific rationality based on the metaphysics of Cartesian subjectivity was very helpful, considering that the world, as an image, is endeavored as a construction process forged by the scientific-mathematical representation that is, as such, an influx from the will to power of technique as a blind and tragic force that wants itself for the full fulfillment of a way of unveiling things as a calculated domain.

Keywords : Science; Research; Calculation; Nature; Technique.

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